Chapter One

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Sometimes I really think my brain is perhaps a person by itself, why you may ask?

Well, today is the first day of my somophore year or is supposed to be and my dear, lovely mouth somehow subconsciously convinced my mom , I wasn't going to go , while I was sleeping.

Yeah I know my mom is really chill but that isn't the point,it wasn't me !! I can't even remember telling her anything, hell I don't even remember being alive.

Maybe it was just my brain wanting to relax more because of the busy night I had.
Busy night studying that is :)
Studying how to escape going to school forever of course.

Now I ,dumbass Tiara Nikki Fraze is left to clean up all the dirty work my brain made.

Luckily I only slept an hour more than I originally was suppose to.

I legit ran to to the bathroom ,I didn't slide down or anything ^^

"T ,what's that noise ?"my mom called.

"Nothing momm, morning mommmma,I'm going to schoool ,I told you to pull me out of bed ,you know it wasn't me who told you that" I replied

"Child tone down,the neighbours won't be happy with a fowl going off this early and hurry your ass up " she called

Fuck the neighbours

Neighbours? I thought again.
I haven't even seen a bird since I came here
I'd like to think that I'm not obnoxious but mom tells me other wise. • •

A new school ,a new beginning, I thought.

Ever since my dad left mom ,she was secretly depressed ,he left on a business trip and never returned,what a bitch.

Yeah I know what you must be thinking,no nothing's wrong with him, mom heard he's apparently a millionaire now,I internally conflicted, I've even seen him on TV a couple times,he's a politician ,not that I cared.

Him and I were never close,I always felt as if we're strangers ,like have you ever seen his face?

Mom couldn't stand to be in that village ,I couldn't stand either,my leg was broken at that time.

So mom decided to move us here,a place where I had no friends,as if I cared ,no family and no neighbours ,weird.

Yeah I spend a lot of time in my head, I don't know , I've always felt as if ,there's something in there talking back to me. Nope it's my conscience Tiara,deep down I've always hoped it's something more than that.

Yeah I'm always one for those supernatural things.
Like bish give me super powers, I'mma fly us to Texas and live in a pool.

Beep beep beep

I was drawn out of my train of thoughts by my alarm luckily,I had set it earlier . I have thirteen more minutes to leave the house,I started calculating ,two minutes for this and three for that,yep I'll make it in time.

I hurriedly put on my uniform,yes I said uniform,ew I know. This new school,Breyton High is supposedly very strict.

I dashed down the steps to the kitchen,grabbed my bag and schedule,luckily I packed everything yesterday .
Our house was a two story,cozy ,brick-built building,honestly we were average , mom's hardwork payed off,she was a full-time chef. I felt proud of mom

Mom quickly came in with breakfast.
"Am sorry baby, I didn't have the heart to wake you up again" mom said uneasily

"It's okay mom,I'm off,wish me luck" I replied

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2020 ⏰

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