Chapter 34: Amani

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Amani held a hand over her mouth as she followed behind Marie and Hamdi onto the golf course. What on earth was she thinking drinking like that? She was thankful for the big sunglasses Marie let her borrow. It was so damn sunny today.

"You alright back there?" Hamdi chuckled, looking over his shoulder at her.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I'm not sure I'll be any good at golf, though." She groaned.

"I'm terrible at this sport." Marie laughed. "Don't worry, the scores don't matter. We're just playing for charity."

Hamdi raised an eyebrow at Marie. "Yes, but I'd like to win for once. You always mess up my score!"

How were they so chatty and perky right now? All she wanted to do was go back to the hotel and sleep. She wasn't in the mood to hit a little white ball around some damn grass.

Marie shrugged. "We have to play together. Those are the rules of the tournament.  I didn't make them."

"What do you mean? Are we playing with partners?"

Hamdi and Marie grinned at her. "Oh yes, you're Van's partner."

Well, that's just great.

She'd never played golf before. She looked and felt like death and Lord Blarcum was probably an excellent golfer. She was hoping she could treat this like mini-golf. Just meander around the holes and give up when she got bored.

Not today, Amani.

"I don't think I can do this." She shrugged her golf bag off her shoulder. She couldn't embarrass herself like this. Her stomach was in knots and this hangover wasn't helping matters!

"It's not that serious, Amani." Marie laughed, wrapping her arm around her shoulder. "Come on. I've got just the thing to shake those nerves."

"Thank God you brought that. It'll help cure this nausea.'." Amani breathed, sliding a hand over her mouth again.

"Alright, I'll see you two in the clubhouse." Hamdi chuckled and slid Amani's bag over his shoulder. "Don't be too long. You've got thirty minutes."

Marie rolled her eyes at him. "We'll be there," she said and led Amani toward the shaded gazebo from the night before.

"We should've done this before we left, but Hamdi was getting anxious about the time. He drives me nuts," she huffed, sitting on the bench. "We're so early. The tournament doesn't start for another hour."

Amani was half-listening to her. She was too busy grinning at her phone and reading the message from Lord Blarcum.

Lord Blarcum >>You potheads better be able to play🤦‍♂️<<

Amani >>Hahaha, don't worry. I'm a high-functioning pothead 😎<<

She might be high functioning, but she still had no idea how to play golf! At least, she wouldn't feel nauseous trying to hit the ball.

"Mm, you know Van doesn't talk to many people like that." Marie smiled and passed her the joint.

"What do you mean?"

Marie gave her a puzzled look. "Don't you wonder why people are afraid of him or tell you all those horror stories about him?"

"I just figured they don't understand him. He can be a bit...difficult." She smiled as she stared at the lush green grass. "But he's not the miserable brute everyone makes him out to be. He has such a kind soul," she said as she took a toke off the joint and welcomed the effects to soothe her pounding head and sour stomach.

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