
14 2 1

Aeron was scrolling through her Tumblr feed, yet again, when she should of done a number of things. She looked at a small piece of notebook paper, a list, taped on the screen of her laptop. The blue ink was smudged, but it was legible:

- Clean room

- Feed cat

- Litterbox

- Dinner

- Kitchen

- Mow grass

- Flowerbed

- Vacuum


Get them done. Left @ 7:30. Be back @ 3

~ Mom

Sighing, Aeron stared at the list for a few minutes, before ripping it into pieces, and tossing the fragments in the air, doomed to litter the floor of her filthy room. Her room was filed with junk. Dirty clothes covered her bed, candy wrappers and soda cans were tossed into a small corner of the room. Her walls used to be white, but now they were covered with posters and the occasional paint splatter. Her used-to-be bunk bed was dismantled in the corner, and the furry demon was sleeping on her pillow.

Lily was the bitchy feline Aeron had taken pity on a few years earlier, when she had found the cat in a back-alley when she and her parents were trying to escape the crowds of leaving a movie theater premiere. Her black fur had been matted with mud and red patches that she had thought was blood. She had begged her parents to help her, and when she had finally gotten cleaned up, those red spots had never faded. She made a strange cat, a black and red feline with golden eyes. Her fur was now sleek, and she was still slender. Lily was sprawled out on the pillow, somehow covering almost the entire pillow with her body. Beady, golden eyes stared down Aeron from the corner of the room. "What do you want?" She spoke, not bothering to turn around to look at the cat. Aeron felt Lily's gaze leave her back. Sighing, Aeron pushed her laptop off of her, and walked over to a contently sleeping Lily. She sat on the edge of the bed, and stroked the cat's head. Lily didn't acknowledge Aeron's presence, which was okay with her.

"What are we going to do with you?" Aeron pointlessly asked, and scooped up the small ball of black-and-red fur, carrying her to her food bowl. FIlling it with nasty smelling pellets, Aeron got a litter scoop and a plastic bag to change the litterbox. Begrudgingly, she did most of her chores, then lied upside-down on the living room couch. Aeron sighed, and then made note that she seemed to do that a lot these days. "There's nothing to do!" She whined to no one. Lily yowled back, and Aeron groaned. "I don't wanna mow the lawn..." After she screamed nothing to no one, she sat right-side-up on the couch, and pulled her golden-amber hair into a lazy ponytail. She glanced at the clock. 2:26 pm, enough time to shower and procrastinate.

"Don't murder the couches while I'm gone," she said, glancing at Lily. She widened her eyes, as if to say, Who, me?

Philosophy. A subject almost no one her age gives a damn about, yet everyone is philosophical in the shower. But none of them make their own theories, and the same went for Aeron. "Sigmund Freud was genius," she thought aloud. "Theory after theory... All quite possible..." Even if someone came up with "their own" theory, someone had probably already thought of it. She was determined to find her own theory, an original in a world of copies. When she got out of the shower, hair thrown up in a towel, she got back on her phone. Picture after picture, she kept scrolling. She saw yet another picture "Like, Comment, or Share if you love Jesus. Ignore if you love Satan." She huffed, and scrolled past the post. Then, changing her mind, posted an update: I've seen so many of these bullshit "like for jesus" pictures that im going to punch the computer screen. #ignoringyou ive scrolled past so many that i must love satan. guess im going to hell :P see ya there

She got a strange feeling after pressing "post", but shrugged it off and flopped back down on here bed after she heard her mother walk into the house and call for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2014 ⏰

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