||^ Chapter 3 ^||

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                 ||^ Y/n's POV ^||

After introducing everyone to each other, you start to wonder what happens now. You look at them and ask

"So what do you guys wanna do now?"

They look at you and then at each other, and shrug. You then hum in response, soon getting sleepier the more you just sit there at the table. You yawn, blink a few times before laying your head down into your hand, falling asleep slightly. Then you hear Error say

"HeY uH Y/n, iF yOuR tiReD tHeN gO tO
beD, aNd nOt hErE, I woUldNt trUsT tHosE twO eNoUgh tO lEt mY gUaRd dOwn."

He points to the two murderous skeletons in the corner, Or in other words... Dust, and Horror. You yawn, and soon you hear Dance say

" Errors actually right, you should go to bed... Actually, maybe we should ALL go to bed." He says. You scoot your chair back, and stretch, and say that you'll show everyone their rooms.

You start to walk away from the table, and then you start to go from room to room thinking about how many skeletons there are, and where you should put them. You go back to the table, but for some reason you can see them all huddled whispering something to each other. You clear your throat, showing them that your there, and they all look at you with a nervous look besides Dust, Dance, and Horror. You raise a brow, and then not long after you here Ink say

" Well let's get to those rooms shall we?"

As Ink says this he smiles at you, and you look at him in confusion, why you may ask? Because that smile is faker than a tracers art work. Ink notices this, and frowns a bit, saying

"What? Did I do something?"

You look at his eyes and see a glimpse of interrogation, you say that it was nothing and start to show them their rooms.

You give each of the skeletons a room to sleep in. Since there were four rooms including yours, six skeletons, and you which is seven, you would put two skeletons for each room, and you would get your own. You had told the skeletons that they could choose their partners. Ink, and Blue were sharing, Dust and Horror were sharing, (of course... 🙄) And then you looked at Error and Dance and said

" And you two are going to be partners right?"

Error looked off to the side mumbling, and Dance looked away from you whistling. You looked at them and almost immediately knew they didn't want to share a room.

" Uh guys....?"   "YeAh" ? They said in union, " Do you not wanna share with each other...? " "NoT neCesSaRiLy, I jUst haVe hAphEphObiA..." " Oh wait- Isn't that fear of touch? And I'm guessing you don't like being near people..." Error nods in response. " Oh well... That's fine! Dance can get that room, and do you want the couch?" Errors eyes lit up when you said that and he said    "hElL yEaH!" Before walking towards it, collapsing on contact. You then lead the rest of them to their rooms. Dance is downstairs in the room next to the living room, and Horror, and Dust on the opposite side near the kitchen. Ink and Blue would be down the hallway away from your room. You then told them good night, and went to your room, but before you did you yelled

"AND KNOCK IF YOU NEED ANYTHING! DON'T JUST BARGE IN HERE!" The skeletons all either say ok, k, or whatever, Then you slammed the door shut, locking it. You changed into your over sized T shirt, and Nike shorts, and layed down on your phone. As you were on your phone you checked the time, and it said it was 2:36 A.M. you yawned again, and started to drift off, but then you were awoken by loud snores. You rolled your eyes and layed down ignoring the snores, until you peacefully drifted away.





You were in a nice dream, that hasn't happened in a while... But suddenly you woke up. You look around your room in quiet panic, looking around trying to find the source that made you wake up so suddenly, and then you heard it...

You looked at your door, and froze as a light click was to be heard on the other side. Your hands gripped hard, tightening on the blankets every second in fear, until you thought about it, and said to yourself ' Why don't I just get the bat In my closet, and wait by the door? Why not grab the bat and open the door myself? ' until your mind got the best of you saying what if it's one of the skeletons...? You look at the door, raising a brow, until you lightly tip toe to your closet opening it, grabbing your bat, and walk towards the door cautiously. Once you get there you hear another click behind the door, making you shiver a little, but as you got closer, you could hear light breathing. Your eyes widened, and you stood there staring at the door holding your bat in front of you, grip so tight you'd think you'd snap the bat out of your grip. You took another cautious step forward, causing a small creak, and the breathing.... Stopped. You stood there, even after the breathing stopped you didn't trust it. Your heart beat lowers back down again as you slowly lowered your bat, and then that's when you heard the breathing again, but this time... The breathing was closer...and you could feel it. You clenched the bat getting ready to swing as you felt light breathing on your neck. You turned to swing but as you did, it was grabbed, and pulled out of your hands. A chilling chuckle was heard as you looked behind you to see Horror, and his bright red glowing orb, it's light reflecting on you slightly... You yelped in fear, and jumped back in surprise to see him there. You growled as he raised an eyebrow at you. " Heya... Fresh meat..." " Excuse me? " You said. "I said heya fresh meat, what else did you think I said? " You raised an eyebrow at the nickname he gave you. " Why fresh meat? That just doesn't sound right, and on top of that I just don't like the name, so can you not call me that?" " PFFFT- Or what? You gonna hit me with your puny hands? HA! I'd like to see you try and hit me... " He said. " EXCUSE ME?! PUNY? I AM NOT PUNY! " you said as you swung at him with your fist punching him straight in the nose. ( nose??? What nose?) " OW! WHY'D YOU DO THAT!? YOU LITTLE SH-" You heard a knock on your door, and that made you and Horror snap your heads attention to it. Horror then felt a warm liquid, lightly coming from his nose, and it smelt metallic. His nose was bleeding...


The person who had knocked on the door was Ink. How did you know this? Because he had opened the door a bit, to the point where you could see his face. He looked at Horror, then you, and he had a questioned look upon his face. You sighed, and told Ink to come in. He came in confused on what happened, you then started to explain the situation, and how Horror had came into your room when you were gonna lay down. Horror now had an ice pack on his nose, and some bloody tissues in his hands. After explaining to Ink the situation, he had a fake strained smile on his face, telling you it was fine, and that it wasn't your fault. You didn't question the fake smile plastered on his face, and told him that you were gonna head to bed. Horror rolled his eyes as he walked out. I guess when all of this happened, a few sanses had woken up. Error and Dust had woken, and they were VERY confused... You told everyone to leave you alone for the night and that if they wanted to know what happened, then they could ask Ink, or Horror if they really wanted to know.

So then you drifted off to sleep...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2020 ⏰

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