[8] wrong for you

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   Mike sat with his arm wrapped around Arizona as she numbly stared at the ground, the two of them thinking about the fight that happened not even an hour ago. She had just been accepted by the group and they broke apart just like that. It hurt because, once again, people she had finally trusted left her. Arizona had no one, at least it felt that way, but she always had Mike. He meant it when he told her he wouldn't ever let her go, that's just what Mike did. All he wanted to do was make the girl happy, in any way he could. He was intoxicated by her smile, her sense of humor, and the way her voice got higher when she got excited. He loved everything about her, and he wanted her to know that, yet he was too afraid to say those words, so he just supported her. Arizona appreciated Mike more than words could say, she needed him to stay sane. He was the only person she ever fully trusted, including Henry. Mike made her heart feel light, and he was her anchor in scary situations. He was the very thing Arizona needed to stay alive, and anything felt possible with home. But like Mike, she couldn't say these words to him so she sat in his arms, and just existed with him. The two of them, as cheesy as it sounds, truly felt like the only two people in the world as they sat in the quarry. Finally, Arizona broke the comfortable silence they were enjoying with a question.

   "Do you think we'll all be friends again?"

   Mike pondered this question, not knowing how to answer it. He wanted to give her hope, but he didn't want to lie, because Arizona couldn't handle another disappointment. After a moment of hesitation, he gave an answer.

   "I think-I think we'll come back together when it's needed, and I don't know if we'll stay friends after that, but all we can do is hope for the best."

   Arizona nodded, taking in his response and accepting it, mainly because he was right. As much as she missed the Losers, all she needed was Mike. Arizona took this moment of solitude to tell him that. Mike smiles in response and says, "You're all I need as well Ari."

    Her smile falters and she blurts, "Don't call me that."

   "Why? Because that was Henry's name for you?" Mike asks, and Arizona nods hesitantly.

   "It just doesn't sit right with me anymore," Arizona mumbles.

   "Well, I'm not Henry."

   "Obviously," Arizona scoffs, sitting upright.

   "Mike Hanlon truly cares about you, Henry Bowers doesn't. I'm just saying maybe it's not the nickname you should be wary of, it's who calls you by said nickname," Mike lectures, and Arizona understands what he's saying. So, from that point on, she agrees to let Mike call her by the name she thought she'd never hear again.

   "Wait, you care about me?" Arizona smirks.

   "Well who said that?" He retorts, smiling.

   "I think you just did sir."

   Arizona shoved Mike lightly, and he shoved her back. Arizona laughed and continued to push him, the two of them starting to 'fight'. It all stopped when Arizona pushed Mike harder than she should've and the two fell over, Arizona on top of Mike.

   "Fancy seeing you here," Mike smirks, laughing when Arizona turns red.

   "Shut up," Arizona responds, but she doesn't get off of him, and the two fall into a silence. They stare at each other until Arizona finally falls beside the boy, catching herself with her hand.

   "S-sorry I don't know," she starts, but is cut off as Mike presses his lips to hers. At first, Arizona is surprised, but she wastes no time in kissing him back. Mike places his hand on the side of Arizona's face in an attempt to steady themselves, and Arizona melts into his touch.

Arizona was the first to pull away, breathless from the kiss the two had just shared.

"Wow," was all she could say before smiling.

"Is that all you can say? Well at least I know how to shut you up now," he joked, causing her to roll her eyes playfully.

"You're annoying," she muttered.

"You love it Ari."

"Shut up, you sound like Richie," Arizona giggled, placing her head on his shoulder.

"Is that such a bad thing?" Mike asked.

"No, it just means I may have to like you less, and that'd be a problem," she shrugged.

"Yes it would, seeing as I like you a whole Miss Colburn," Mike replied before kissing her forehead.

"I like you a whole lot too," Arizona smiled, her heart leaping for joy.


   Arizona waved goodbye to Mike and entered her house, feeling the happiest she's ever felt. But that quickly changed when she saw her mother standing in the living room, an angry look on her face.

   "I didn't believe it when my friends told me you were hanging out with that Hanlon boy, but I guess it's true," her mother said.

   "What about Henry, aren't you friends with him?" Adeline continued, stepping towards her daughter.

   "He's not a good person mom," Arizona uttered, not being able to meet her mother's gaze.

   "Well I'd rather you hang out with a 'not good' person than a boy like Mike," her mother sneered, and Arizona's head shot up.

   "What do you mean a 'boy like Mike'?" Arizona challenged, knowing whatever answer her mother gave Arizona would piss her off.

   "A black boy Arizona, isn't that obvious? Him and his parents were always a menace in this town, they got what was coming to them in that fire," was the response that pushed Arizona over the edge.

   "What the fuck mom? You don't say that kind of shit! Besides, you don't know Mike. He makes me happy! He treats me right, and he's always kind. Isn't that what a mother should want for her daughter?"

   "He's just the wrong color for you honey," Adeline said sweetly, but Arizona wasn't listening.

   "Color doesn't mean anything mom, and at least with Mike I can have a stable relationship that doesn't end with him leaving me!" Arizona shouted, and Adeline's face went blank.

   "You know what Arizona? If you want to speak to me that way, you can get out of my house. I don't want you living here anymore. You're a disgrace to this family." Adeline seethed.

   Arizona didn't waste a moment before walking out the front door. As much as she wished it was the clown playing tricks on her, Arizona knew that was how her mother truly felt. She didn't know where to go, but after a moment of thinking, her feet led her in the right direction. Before she knew it, she was outside the Hanlon's door. Arizona had been to Mike's house in the past, but this was the first time she hesitated to knock. She didn't want to burden the boy, but she also didn't want to be alone. After a moment, she knocked on the front door.

   Luckily Mike opened the door and greeted her with a smile, but it faltered when he saw the broken look in her eyes. Immediately, she collapsed into his arms and sobbed into his chest. He led her to his room and let her cry, and when she finally calmed down, he asked her what happened. Arizona explained everything to him, including her mother's comments and the fact that she no longer had a home.

   "You could always stay here," Mike offered.


   "Yeah, my grandparents love you, I lo-" Mike stops himself before continuing, "-would hate to see you have no place to go." Arizona picks up on his small mistake and she feels her heart skip a beat.

   "Okay. Thanks Mikey," Arizona beams, hugging Mike once again.

   "Anything for you Ari," Mike trails off, kissing her cheek. She blushes lightly, wishing that this period of happiness would never end.


word count: 1331

precious angels <3

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