Chapter One

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"WAKE UP" Captain Moore bellowed, stomping through the isles between the hammocks. The pirates grumbled, slowly getting up. The captain's daughter, Matilda, followed him, prowling behind him with an air of elegance. Her eyes were trained on her captain, as she would one day have to be him.

Her sharp dagger on her waist gleamed dangerously, while most pirates went to grab their swords, one around her age tried to snatch it off of her. She gracefully dodged him with a smirk, landing in a fighting stance, her blade in hand and pointed at him.

"Nice try Jax" she purred playfully, he just rolled his eyes, a small smile planted on his lips.

"Yeah yeah, okay" he sneered lightheartedly, they smiled at each other before Matilda strode past him, bumping his shoulder with hers as she passed him. "Mornin' to you too Tilly" he called after her, she sent another smirk at him over her shoulder, before disappearing up through the trapdoor to the deck.

Tilly strolled to the front of the ship, taking a deep breath, watching as the land they were to port draw closer. It was a smaller island, with large, green hills, a small town came into view. She grinned, listening to the pirates slowly start their jobs behind her.

"Mornin' lass" her father greeted, coming to stand next to her.

"Cap'n" she nodded in acknowledgment, turning to look at him, something about him was off, hesitation, he was hesitant, and that wasn't something either of them ever were.

"Take Jax and explore the island for the day, you've both earned it" her father instructed her, his expression calm and friendly, though his stormy grey eyes had something going on behind them.

"Are you sure? But-"

"Yes I'm sure" he cut her off "thar's only goin' t' be a wee deal makin', but ye've seen me do that enough times, loot a break fer a day, let yer hair down, 'ave some fun, ye're a sprog"


"Tilly" he growled.

"Yes cap'n" she bowed her head "thank you cap'n" and she dashed to her cabin with a spring in her step.

She stripped quickly, then wrapped the top part of her swimsuit around her chest and slipped on her swim shorts. Looking in the mirror she examined herself.

The white suit complemented her slightly tanned skin, the tightly wrapped fabric hugging her body elegantly. Quickly, she redid her hair, tying the brunette frizz back into a tight ponytail at the top of her head.

She got dressed again, padded out of the room. She snuck through the other pirates doing there jobs, the ship was very close to land now. Matilda prowled through people, looking for one person specifically, finally she spotted him stacking crates.

Matilda slunk stealthily towards him from behind, carefully dodging a creaky floor board before pouncing onto his back, wrapping her arms around his neck and legs around his waist. He caught her, straightening up

"Jax" she sang happily

"Tilly" he sang back to her

"We're supposed to take the rest of the day off and explore the island" she told him "captain's orders"

"Oh really" he replied, spinning around as she held on tight for dear life.

"Stop it you fopdoodle!" Matilda cried as Jax spun around more, making it difficult to hold on.

"What's the magic word" he teased, smirking.

"Jax, if you don't I will leave you behind" Matilda threatened. Reluctantly, he slowed down.

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