Chapter Four

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Hook emerged from his cabin, slamming the door behind him.

     "We be goin' back" He declared 

'Obviously' Tilly thought, surprising the urge to roll her eyes.

The crew trampled down the gangplank after their captain, trailing after him into the coppice. Smee was right next to their captain, but nobody said a word, the crew seemed almost drowsy, while Hook kept his eyes narrowed while he stalked down the path, and Smee seemed to be waiting for the captain to explain what was going on.

They stopped a safe distance, where they could see the house, but nobody from there could see them. That was the danger of a home in the woods. It would be difficult for others to find you, but it would would be agonizing to attempt to spot others as well.

As they peered at the home, they could see the Brave Girls standing alert around the home.

'oh look, they've made up' Tilly thought bitterly. She didn't know why she was suddenly in such an unfavourable mood, though she assumed it was because her daydreaming was interrupted for this 'hunting of a boy,' it was pathetic, really.

Or maybe it was because the author felt like it, either worked, just the first one made more sense, because who was the author and why would they decide how she felt.

Tilly almost laughed at the thought, but then she realized she was supposed to be paying attention to what was going on.

     "We'll attack them from both sides" Hook was saying "at least scare 'em off, th' lads will hear us fightin' 'n listen fer th' drum, which when we win I shall beat, drawin' them out, 'n then we can grab th' lads 'n go back t' th' ship"

The pirates nodded, Hook split them into two groups, sending Tilly's around to the other side.

They crept through the undergrowth quietly. On Hooks mark, they sprinted from their hiding spots with their swords drawn, surprising the brave girls, who tried to fight, before retreating into the woods.

They celebrated quietly, before heading back to their captain silently. The captain beat a cadence with his hook, mimicking the Brave Girl drum.

Cheers could be heard from inside the cabin, a few more moments past before the boys filed out of the makeshift home, the pirates immediately grabbing them and muffling any shouts they tried to make with their hands.

     "Where's Wendy" Tilly hissed impatiently. The Captain raised his hook, silencing her, and after another moment the British Damsel came wandering up, immediately being scooped up by Cecco. 

The door had shut behind her, signalling that Wendy had been the last to come out.

     "Take them all to the ship!" Hook instructed "The boys we will make walk the plank- and Wendy will be our mother!"

The pirates turned, leaving with the new hostages.

     "What about Peter?" Tilly heard Smee ask from behind them.

     "This is for Peter" Hook responded in a sinister tone. Tilly glanced back over her shoulder, glimpsing the flask of red liquid Hook was holding up.

     "Poison?" Smee askes, aghast. Tilly rolled her eyes.

'Of course,' She thought, how could he possibly be surprised. She had only been here a couple days and even she had expected that.

      "Aye! He's doomed" Hook laughed evilly. Tilly smirked, looking to the wide-eyed Wendy for her reaction. The girl didn't seem to have heard, as she was struggling against Cecco, which Tilly found ludicrous, only because of how futile it was. 

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