Training And... Uh Oh

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*Your POV*

I Walk outside, I lived on my own after telling my Dad that I could handle myself. He is still skeptical of my abilities to protect myself, in which he might be right; but I believe I'm strong enough. The sky was a beautiful mix of yellow, orange, and pink. It was later in the day and I just got home from work. I work at a nice little coffee and tea shop.

*Ring Ring Ring*

My phone goes off, taking me out of my state of peace. I look at the caller ID and smile

"He worries so much" I say with a slight laugh, answering the phone

" Hey kiddo! What are you u-"

"I'm fine and home safe dad" I interrupted him, and he chuckled slightly

"Found me out, huh?" He sounded slightly guilty, It wasn't long ago that I moved out but he has done this almost every two hours

"Not that hard to pick up when you always ask me where I am, or what I'm doing... or who's around me" he sighs at my comment

"Look... I trust you, You're very strong for being as small as you are, and you're more than capable of taking care of yourself. I just don't trust others... that's all" what he said made me smile, until I realized the back-handed compliment thrown in there.

"Strong for my size?" I say pretending to be offended by his words

"Hey now, It's not my fault you're tiny!" he teased making me laugh. He and I had a great relationship. I want to be a hero, but with my lack of having a quirk... that's not exactly plausible, and I know he couldn't give me his quirk because my body was overly weak considering, what I had to be to handle his power.

"You okay kid?" He questioned, sounding worried

"Yeah, yeah just... zoned out a bit"

"Missing your old man are ya?" He teased once again

"Nah, It's real nice not having to do extra dishes because you, for some unholy reason, use dishes when we have takeout"

"that's... I have a good reason for that" He quickly retorts

"Then spill" I smirk as I hear him go silent.

"Oh! would you look at that, Its getting late... A HERO MUST BE WELL RESTED TO BE ABLE TO FIGHT VILLAINS! GOOD NIGHT" He quickly hung up, making me laugh. this man was ridiculous to say the least... but he was right, it was getting kind of late.

I should probably get some food before I starve to death, I walk over to the fridge, opening it; I feel the cool air hit my face and body. The light shining in my eyes slightly, even though I was basically blinded by the light, I could still tell there was no food to be consumed. I sigh and walk to the counter grabbing a small little apple... eating it, and throwing the core away.

I started to feel myself get tired, not physically, but more-so mentally... working in a coffee/tea shop, you deal with a lot of idiots who apparently don't understand the menu and need you to explain everything. After eating the apple, I walk upstairs. Since my Dad is the number one hero, he was pretty rich, which payed off with me as well... my house was a decent size with workout equipment installed in a workout room my father Made sure I had.

I made my way to that room, to train a bit so that I can make my body as tired as my mind. After working out, I'll go get some food... probably some takeout because I don't feel like going and buying ingredients so that I can come back and cook...

~Time Skip To After Your Workout~

I was breathing heavy, I never truly understood the concept of "body limits" so I always seem to push myself well beyond that. I was sore, sure, but the pain from not eating much was worse. So I grabbed my jacket and walked outside, locking the door behind me. I didn't have a car because Dad didn't want me driving. so I walked all the way to go get some F/f.

~Time Skip To You Arriving At The Place To Get Food~

I walk through the doors to be hit in the face with the aroma of my favorite foods... It smelled heavenly in the little known place. I go up to the counter and order my food, the lady taking my order seemed friendly enough, kind of strange in all honesty but she was nice. She told me my total and I handed her the money.

"Here or to go sweetie?" her voice was higher pitched and happy, she was a blonde who wore her hair in two buns, kind of childish but who am I to judge, right?

"To go, Thank you" She nodded and smiled

"Go have a seat, We'll bring out your food in a moment! Enjoy yourself sweetie!" She giggled, the way she said "enjoy yourself" irked me a bit. It could just be my imagination though...

I go and sit down at a table. I scan the area, the place was pretty empty; other than two people sitting by themselves... I couldn't see either of their faces, one was facing towards me; his face was pointed to the table though which made it nearly impossible to see any discernible facial features. The other had his back to me, I could see his hair though, it was seemed to be in a more spiked style whilst the color was black...interesting.

"Here you go sweetie!" The blonde happily bounced over with a bag containing my food, I smiled and nodded.

"thank you, I'll be off" I stood up but someone stopped me

"Hey~" His voice was scratchy, he sounded as though he had a sore throat

"aren't you All Might's kid? I'm a big fan!" He gushed, I was now facing him, He had light blue hair, which was all I could see. I kept my guard up, he seemed nice but... why was he hiding his face?

"How come you have your head down? Not trying to be rude... just asking"

"well, My appearance always seems to scare people away" He chuckled slightly

"try me, I don't mind" I smile, was I too Naïve? Maybe too Innocent?

After I said that, He laughed slightly and tilted his head up... I recognized that face, It was the leader of the league of villains! I instantly backed up, He growled under his breath with a breathy laugh following.

"I told you~" Was all he said when I felt a hand wrap around my mouth, my instinct kicked in instantly and I grabbed the persons arm, and in one swift motion, I had them pinned to the ground. It was that girl! What, did she poison my food as well... was it even food in there?

"Oh~" The blue haired man cooed,

"You're stronger than I thought you would be, Aren't you quirkless? Or did ol' daddy pass down his power to you?~" His smile was wide and terrifying. His intimidation exceeded my own in this moment of crisis.

"That's none of your business Shigaraki!" I roared, making him laugh more. The girl under me starts giggling and squirming.

"You where right Handy man! She's super fun!" She excitedly announced. How much did they know about me?!

"That's enough playing around" The man who was the only one still seated, had rose from his chair, making his way to me. Scars where all over his face and seemed to be on his arms as well. His cold turquoise eyes piercing into my soul. He didn't have to say a word to look intimidating; just the looks he gave, emitted a heavy aura of danger and confidence.

"We where told by your boss-" He put his finger against Shigaraki's chest.

"To get her to the hide out, as fast as possible" His voice was as cold as his eyes... I couldn't move, I was frozen in fear and... something else I couldn't really explain. The girl underneath me got leverage and pushed me off of her, quickly making her way to Shigaraki's side. Shigaraki sighed and seemed to pout.

"Fine, but this was supposed to go differently" He whined

I felt my vision go blurry, what was happening? I look down to see a syringe in my leg; the blonde must have done it while I was in that shocked state. I stood up shakily and lifted my head slightly to see the three, The blonde was smiling widely, Shigaraki was watching me intently, and the Black haired, scar covered man just stood there. I felt my eyelids get heavier and heavier. I soon feel my knees buckle and I fall, my mind and body succumbing to the darkness I seen surrounding me. I drift off into a deep sleep, wondering what exactly was going to happen to me, and if dad knew about what was happening.

((OH I AM LOVING THIS STORY SO FAR XD I'm gonna make Dabi kind of ruuuuude but, he basically is a tsundere anyway so, ENJOY <3 see ya my beautiful potatoes))

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