Unhappy Reunion

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One day Kion came to the Pridelands for what everyone thought was a visit, but to Kion would be a day that no one would forget. For the next week while he was in the Pridelands that he would keep his revenge a secret from everyone else.
One night when Kion and the rest of the guard were sleeping in the lair, Fuli heard Kion talking in his sleep she heard him saying that Janja will die in cold blood and will never have Jasiri. When Fuli hears this she is shocked and horrified of what might happen to Janja, she than gasps which makes Kion wake up but before he sees her she immediately lays on the floor and pretends to be asleep, but couldn't get the picture of Kion killing Janja out of her head when she hears Kion going back to sleep she than sneaks out of the lair and goes to warn Janja about Kions intentions.

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