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When they get to Rafiki's tree Simba places Janja down and examines his wounds, he than puts some ointment on his wounds and says that he should wake up in about 2 hours, Jasiri and Fuli thank him and Simba says that he has to return to Priderock. Fuli and Jasiri thank him and go to Janja, they than lay next to Janja and take a nap next to Janja hoping that he'll wake up soon. A few hours went by when Jasiri woke up to hard breathing and groans she sees Janja opening his eyes and coughing she than lays next to him and asks if he's okay he says yes and she licks his cheek than Fuli wakes up and is glad to see him alive she than says I'm glad your okay Janja but it's getting late so I should be heading home. Janja than says goodbye and Fuli leaves. Jasiri than asks Rafiki if they could leave, but Rafiki says that Janja isn't strong enough to make it to the outlands before dark, and says that you'll have to stay here tonight she than goes over to Janja and tells him she than lays next to him and says goodnight they than cuddle next to each other and sleep. In the morning Janja gets his strength back, he thanks Rafiki and the 2 head back to the outlands, when they get there they say goodbye and head back to there clans, but all of a sudden he's gets jumped on. He looks up to see Kion, Janja then yells at him to leave, but Kion than says and miss killing my enemy I don't think so, luckily Jasiri heard what was going on and rushed to Janja's side the two than fight, but when Kion knocks Jasiri against a rock, Janja brightens his shoulder so hard that he breakers it, Kion roars in pain claws Janja's eye giving him a scar, but than Jasiri pushes Kion onto a ridge making him dangle against lava, Jasiri than says this is for Janja and claws Kion's hands making him fall into the lava Jasiri than collapses on the ground from exhaustion Janja rushes to her and lays next to her they than cuddle next to each other and have a nice nap knowing that Kion is gone for good.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2020 ⏰

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