24 hours before 18

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Due to overpopulation the government made one rule: when you turn 18 you MUST go through 8 stages of your fears. Which was in fact, fucking stupid. Not many people make it out alive, people who survive say it makes you go crazy, like.. INSANE..! It is too strong to handle. Some people say that people kill themselves during the so called, "game." And.. unfortunetly for me I have exactly 24 hours till my 18th birthday. As soon as the clock hits midnight stage 1 begins. It can start any time if the day, they want it to be unexpected. They want you to be unaware, they want you to be off guard... those sick fucking people.

~20 hours left~
My mom slowly steps into the dining room, 20 hours earlier .. with a cake in her hands, trembling while attempting to sing happy birthday to me. My mom was terrified, she said she nearly made it out alive. I had 3 brothers. Yeah, had. The 3 of them didn't make it. My dad ended up killing himself just a week after his birthday, leaving a note behind with his reasoning, he said everything he experienced and the things he saw and did were just fucking awful. She places the cake in the table just as she finishes singing. The cake had 2 levels, the bottom one was darkish pink covered in sparkles, the top one was a light pink with a big 18 on top, on the side there was a bow on the cake. It was really cute.. let's just hope I make it.

~10 hours left~
The door handle turns as my mom walked into my room. She hands me a present with out saying a word, I wonder what it is? It was wrapped in black and had a white bow on top, I open it. It is a necklace?
"When I turned 18 my mom handed that to me.." my mom speaks up, her eyes looked tired and full of sadness, glistening in the dark.
"And.. my grandma gave it to her also, before her 18th birthday, everyone that worn it has survived with that necklace. I think it's good luck, please.. please keep it at all times.." my mom cups my face and places the necklace around my neck, patting my head as she lets go.
"I love you baby." she kissed my forehead. I'm not going to lie, but I was scared shitless. Especially with the was she was acting.. like I'd never see her again..!

~5 hours left~
Only 5 hours left, only 5 fucking.. hours. I walk back and forth pacing around my room. I walk over to my bed and pick up my phone too call my friends to ask to hang out, just to get my mind off it plus I was scared. I wanted to see them before anything happens to me. I text the group chat asking to hang out. Thank god! They all said yes and we all agreed to meet at the malls food court.
"What's up fuckers" I laugh, trying not to break.. walking over to my friends. We went to a couple of stores, but they all had to run an errand or something and left. Now it's just me and this guy I had a crush on, since like.. forever!
"I-I've got something to tell you" he whispered, and stopped walking. I stop as well and looked at him
"It's your birthday soon, you're 18th birthday"
"Yeah.." I reply looking at his dazzling blue eyes.
"Well I just want to tell you I like you, like I really really like you.."
"I just wanted to say that just in case y-you don't make it" he continues while looking at the ground. Are you fucking joking..?! The guy I had a crush on for years likes me back?
"I-I-I I really like you too" I look up just to meet his eyes. He leans in a kissed me.
"Promise me, if you make it out, go out with me" I look up at him and kissed him once more
"Of course.." I reply. The way he made it sound like I wasn't going to make it.. and it scared me.

~1 hour left~
Tears roll down my face. I was fucking terrified, I didn't want to die yet..! I look at some old photos of  my family, friends, and I. I take one picture, my favorite picture. My friends.. and my family together.  I place it in my pocket.. My cat jumps into my lap and rubs it nose against mine. I pet her, gently as she starts to purr. My mom walks into the room, she was obviously upset.
"You've got an hour left.." a tear rolls down her face
"I know, momma." I reply looking down. My moms phone dings and she looks at it. Suddenly, all color drains from her face, she was white as a ghost.
"I-I-I've got to go baby I'm so sorry, just know that I love you.." she kisses my forehead and quickly runs out before I could have said something. I was so confused. Why was she leaving me, especially in a time like this, I was kinda pissed off at her, to be honest. I lay in bed looking at the ceiling while my cat lays in my chest, re-thinking all the good times I had. I got up and walked to the window to look out side just to see how beautiful it was. I look into the night sky and see a shooting star and close my eyes, I make a wish that I'll make it out alive and everything will be fine.
~1 minute left~
I count the seconds till midnight, I could nearly breathe. My eyes don't leave the clock as the seconds go down slowly..
3 ..
Nothing, nothing happen. I lay in bed ready to shut my eyes, when I felt a sharp pain in my neck losing my consciences, passing out. The last thing I hear is my cat hissing and my glass window breaking.

now the game begins...

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