13- K

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Grey clouds formed, lining the dome of Seoul's sky before shedding the substance that kept them heavy. Those forgot to bring their umbrellas cursed and scampered to nearest buildings with shelter, including Lisa and Jungkook, that cursed and immediately ran together to the cafe near the pavement.

They had just left Hoseok's dance academy. Jungkook was supposed to go home, until the girl said she wanted to explore the town near the elite residence.

Jungkook being the erratic Kook, suddenly wanted to accompany the girl. He considered himself as a moral compass these days. Now, he regretted the decision because, 1) it's a downpour here, 2) they're wet, and 3) the cafe they went in seems to be like a place where a lot of rich kids go.

He'd hate to admit it, but being around rich kids make him very defensive and very anxious. 

'That's rich coming from you.' He thought to himself.

His trail of thoughts got cut off when Lisa's violent moves of flapping her hoodie to vainly dry it became even more exaggerated.

"How can you not have an umbrella? The only thing to keep me warm is now wet!" Lisa tries to guilt-trip Jungkook. But he was not having any of it.

"And why didn't you look at the weather forecast?"

Lisa stared at him as if he's crazy. "Why would I do that?"

Jungkook snarls. "Then why should I have one?" 

And Lisa shuts her mouth in defeat, slumping her spine against the comfy leather sofa. She had nothing better to do, so she studies the place with not much interest and just for the sake of observing. 

She saw the wall of "Barista of the Month", but her eyes were painful because of the rain drops that got into her eyes. So she shut her eyes instead, trying to not get annoyed at the cold and the fact that her thighs are bare and cold, as well as her feet starting to numb because of the wet stockings.

Suddenly, a heavy warmth draped her, making her jump forward in her seat, and discovered a big black sweater literally draped over her waist-up. She glanced at Jungkook.

"I had an extra shirt in my bag, though." He said, not really looking at her in the eye.

Lisa smiles, but hid it quickly. "If you had given me this earlier, I wouldn't have been such a b-"

"Bitch? Yeah, I figured I was late." Jungkook intercepts, leaving Lisa's heart burning.

"I meant to say brat, you ass. I'm gonna go and ask for the bathroom." Lisa said before getting up.

Jungkook caught her arm. "Wait, why are you going there?"

"Umm... to change out of this sopping hoodie?" Lisa made a 'duh' face.

Slowly, Jungkook let her arm go. "Oh well... I guess you're leaving me."

"I'm not leaving you, you- I'm just gonna change into this sweater you gave me so I don't get cold, AND YOU STAY HERE, OUT OF TROUBLE. Okay?" 

Her warning was left to him before she made way to the guy making coffee where is the bathroom.

Jungkook's eyes followed her as she disappear behind the cream wall, and when she's finally gone, he palmed his forehead loudly and rubbed his face.

"Why would you do that?!" He asks his own, innocent hand. If the hand could talk and act on it's own, it would definitely have given Jungkook a punch in the face the second he thought of questioning the hand.

He huffs and looked around the busily cozy cafe. Jungkook was impressed at the decorations. Very classy and not too heavy on the wall neither the mantelpiece and counters.

Love Works in Different Ways (sometimes it doesn't work at all)(Lisa Ships)Where stories live. Discover now