Phil Imagine #1

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Okay, this one will be kind of sad yet  smutty yet, phan. Let's see how you guys like this one; hope you like it :P


        You and Phil have benn dating for 7 months now after you met him and Dan at playlist live. You had always been a Danisour and Phillion, but mostly a Phillion because Phil intriged you more. You even shipped Phan. Then you met the boy with the beautiful blue eyes at playlist live and that's when everything changed.

Phil noticed your scars when you were taking the picture.

"What's your name?"

"Y/N" you reply.

"Y/N, why do you hurt yourself?" he replied sternly.

"I-I--" you sigh. "While me and my parents were on vaction, my mom found my dad with another women. They immediately divorced. Scared and depressed I didn't know what else to do. My mom was broke and couldn't send me to therapy to get help. This is the first time I've been happy in a long time. Meeting you guys was like a dream come true."

Phil looks at you. "I-I didn't know, but you shouldn't do this to yourself. You said meeting Dan and Me was a dream come true, would you like to expand that dream by hangout with us at our hotel?"

You were speechless. You had this surprised amazed look on your face. You fangirled inside but thought *Elsa's voice* conceal don't feel. You realized you'd been standing their for about 30 seconds with this blank expression on your face.

" Ummm.. are you still their?" said Dan

You snapped out of it a bit and hugged both Dan and Phil. You were astonished and flabergastied at what kind of offer they had given you.

"I'm gonna take this as a yes" replied Phil.

(cuurent time)

You moved to London and moved in the Flat with Dan and Phil. They welcomed you with open arms. 

As your'e sitting on the couch casually watching The Great British Bake-Off you hear Phil talking to Dan. You can't really make out what they are saying. The next thing you know they're standing right in front of the TV.

"Umm.... excuse me, they were just about to eliminate some one."

"Oh, sorry" Phil replies sweetly as he moves out of the way to the couch.

"Umm... Y/N could you please go to Tesco to go get some Marmite, we've run out." asks Dan anxiously.

You have a confused-shocked look on your face. You see Dan acting kinda nervous but it doesn't  phase you. 

"since when do we have marmite in the flat?" You asked sarcastically.

"Well, I just needed it to bake a few things; also if you don't mind also get a bad of Doritos" asks Dan sweetly.

You agree to go to Tesco and get the weirdly requested items.

You return and hear shuffling in the kitchen. Then you hear a scream from Phil. You rush upstairs to see what's going on. From outside of the you see Dan and Phil completley naked.....

Your'e more shocked to see Dan and Phil doing it... ON THE FLOOR!! You feel more disturbed than mad but, still it bothers you.

Phil looks up and sees you. You still have that terrified look on your face. He gets up as fast as he can and grabs a dish towel from the stove and covers his junk. (But it's not like you haven't seen it before..)

"Ummm... I can expain" Phil says out of breath

"I'm just gonna say it, I've read fanfiction better than that" you say jokingly.

"Wooaahh, you cannot just walk in on your boyfriend having gay sex and be completley okay with it!!" Dan yells.

"Woah, you guys didn't even know me before, who says I never shipped it."

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