Dan Imagine #1

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A/N Please don't judge my writing, I know it's horrible so here's the first part :P

Also stories in the future might have smut :)


It's been 5 years since you and Dan met. Him being your boyfriend and Phil being your best friend made your life the best it could possibly be. 

You and Dan love eachother so much. Dan will give you the best surprises; like he'll randomly take you to dinner and you love it.

"Do you like my surprises Y/N?" Dan asks. 

"Of course I do, I love them." you say as you plant a small kiss atop Dan's cheek.

Sure enough that night Dan has the biggest surprise of his and your life. He takes you by the hand with a blind fold on your head. You walk with him for about 15 minutes. He takes the blind fold off. You see Phil right away, but wondered where Dan was. You realised that where you got dragged too by Dan. It was the park where you and Dan first met. You gasp a bit as you see Dan out of the corner of your eye.

"Y/N, I know this is a bit chessy but, I've loved for 5 years and I feel we need to be together and closer, so will you mar-" He was cut off by the sound of you crying and shaking your head.

"I love you Daniel James Howell, and I do want to spend the rest of my life with you" you sob.

"I love you too Y/N (full name)." He replies

You hear Phil clapping as Dan stands up to kiss you


A/N- Hello I hope you liked it even though my writing is horrible:P

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