Help from enemies

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*Roman's POV*

I was laid in the centre of the ring getting kicked repeatedly in the ribs by Ryback. I couldn't get up. I didn't even want to try. Then Cesaro and Dolph Ziggler came running in and I couldn't fell anymore kicking on my ribs. I sat up weakly and saw Cesaro and Dolph assaulting Ryback. I stood up and stumbled to the ropes. I used the ropes to help me stand.

"You okay?" Dolph asked. He had a mic in his hand and I smiled.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I said and they laughed.

"Yeah. You don't look like it." They smiled and I nod.

"My ribs hurt. But I'm fine. I think." I said and moaned in pain.

"Hey. It will be fine." Cesaro said and I walked out the ring. I sighed and slowly made my way back stage. Dolph managed to catch up.

"Hey. Calm down. Where are your brothers?" He said and I sighed.

"Dean is at home resting as well as seth." I said and he nodded.

"Your father?" He asked and I gulped.

"Erm probably sorting out contracts. I'm fine." I said and walked to my locker room. I laid on the couch and winced in pain.

"Fuck it all." I mumbled. I took in a shallow breath but pain soon took over. I looked at my phone and there was a image from seth. I opened it and laughed. He was laid on the floor holding up something with boxes of chocolate around him. I chuckled and smiled.

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