2: So now we need to be friends?

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(An: So if the story line seems aimless right now, I'm sorry. I'm figuring out how I want it to go as I write. I think I got a few ideas but forgive me if it comes out wrong.)

Karma and Gakushuu got up and went back into the classroom. The rest of the school day was boring. Karma irritated the teacher and Gakushuu just rolled his eyes at Karmas antics. The two decided to hang out after school because neither wanted to go home. Gakushuu's dad was going to stay late at the school devising a new test and Karma's parents were never home. Why would they leave two teenage boys alone? Did they want crazy things to happen?

 "Were do you want to go?" Gakushuu asked Karma with an unreadable expression on his face. Karma looked around and seemed to think for a moment. Then a happy look took over his face. "Let's go get ice cream! It's still hot as hell and I want ice cream right now." Gakushuu rolled his eyes and thought to himself, 'what a child. He has no idea what that smile does to me.' 

If your confused, Gakushuu fell in love with Karma at the end of last school year, but keeps it a secret. Karma doesn't like Gakushuu in that way ....yet.

 "Lets go get that ice cream, it better be good." Gakushuu laughed as Karma took off towards a nearby ice cream parlor. After the two boys bought the ice cream, they went and sat in a nearby park to eat the cones.

 "What flavor did you get?" Karma asked Gakushuu, leaning on close to look synthetic ice cream. "Chocolate, what flavor did you get?" Gakushuu asked in return. "Strawberry of course. It's the only flavor I really eat." Karma said.

 They sat there quietly until Karma was almost done and got a evil smirk on his face. Karma scooped some ice cream on his finger and then smudged it into Gakushuu's face. "What the fuck Karma?!" Gakushuu almost screamed as Karma was laughing uncontrollably. "You should see your face! That was the best. You told me to act like I normally would and things were getting too nice between us" Karma said as he calmed down. 

Gakushuu wiped the ice cream off his face and stood up. "I'm going home. You clearly are in some weird kind of mood. I'll see you tomorrow." Gakushuu said ever so politely. "Aww Gakushuuuu, your no fun! I need to plan something to break you how of your no fun shell." Karma playfully sat. They waved at each other and each went home.

*turn to Asano Gakuho*

Gakuho was very proud of himself. This test he had devised was sure to win his boy a victory. When should he have them take it? He decided sooner was better. His poor son shouldn't have to suffer the pain of an unrequited love. No this would help that relationship along quite nicely. The test would take place in the day after tomorrow. Now he just needs to tell Gakushuu to challenge Karma Akabane with this test. Then he'd just let Gakushuu have fun.


Hehehe I love it when the parent ships it too. I hope you like this! It's around 500 words which I think will be how I write it. I hope that's ok!

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