Mr. C

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It felt as though he's longing to have that conversation and I seem to understood it right away

I like how he responds to my messages with keen interest

He's so kind and soft-hearted
His soft spot melted my heart

I love how genuine his words are—the way he converse with me like we've been friends for years

He treated me like I'm one of his friends and not just an acquaintance

Suddenly I'm no stranger to him—and I'm still reeling from the fact that this is real

That he finally noticed my existence which I've been longing for over two years now

lump in my throat, my chest pounding intensely

I don't want to end this feeling nor this very moment

I want to keep this memory like a pressed flower in a book I used to keep

I don't want this to end

but sudden feeling of somersault aroused and longing starts to drift within me

because I know stolen moment will not last between us

Sooner or later he will forget about me...

Mr. CWhere stories live. Discover now