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We all know that Stephen quit danplan
Now this news really hit me hard
Don't worry I will be continuing this. But eventually I will add in the fact that Stephen quit danplan.
I don't consider you guys "just followers"
You guys are my friends
My internet peeps
My family
Even if I don't pay you 😂
But in all seriousness I wish to hear Daniels side of the story.
But I don't know what to do with my other danplan x readers
Should I add that fact that Stephen quit danplan
Or should I just continue like nothing ever happened?
But I do have a good idea for another Stephen x reader now so....
Yeet yeet out fools

Let's all take a few seconds to appreciate Stephen and Hosuh and Daniel. Hosuh fixed them for 9 months. But in the end Stephen still left.
So let's appreciate that we got to know the danplan with Stephen in it

I don't know what will happen to danplan
But they never cease to put a smile on my face in the darkest of times.
Stay awesome.
Once again

I do this for me.  (Danplan x reader) ((COMPLETE)) Where stories live. Discover now