When Drew awoke he took of flying instantly towards where he believed the flashback had taken place. As he was flying he noticed a wooden structure in the middle of a clearing. As he landed on the hard ground he noticed a bunch of piles of dirt in the exact places the buildings had been in the flashback. As he started digging in the piles he heard a rustling noise behind him and as he turned he saw a frail old man looking back at him. "Goodness gracious! , Drew is that you ?" He asked. As drew looked at him he saw something familiar in those eyes, admiration he realized. "Do I know you?" He asked. "Drew its me Rex." Then it hit him, Rex had been his best friend when he was younger. "How are you alive?" He asked I'm 123 years old and you were five years older than me!" "Rex slow down, I don't know how I'm alive if your 123 but why is nobody else here?" "Well you see drew, we were all on the brink of death when one of the hunters in the town gathered a group and set off to build a settlement." "When society was on the brink of collapse some people took their own lives went insane, many different things, but I was the only one to survive and I am growing old and frail." He took a big breath to emphasize his point. "I've been building my shelter since I was 23 and that was 100 years ago, and I wanted to pass it on to someone but no one is around but me and the wild men so I'm giving it to you." And as he said that he fell down and stopped moving and drew felt like he had been hit with a sledgehammer. As he fell he remembered all his time with Rex at once painful happy sad. As he dug Rex's grave he cried so hard. When he finished he resumed digging up the piles and as he reached the last one he felt a scratch on a claw and as he started digging more furiously he found the egg.
Adventure3010 May 24th secret base As the doctor scrambled frantically around his office he found the needle with the correct serum, "finally" he said "we will be able to create our new breed of super soldier!" He hopped from one foot to another in excitemen...