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I was sitting in the plane, when the flight attendant came up to me and said " We'll be there soon. "Is there anything I can get you?" "No I'm good, thank you" I said. " Okay, " she smiled " you'll need to put your seatbelt on now though" "Okay, thank you"

{{{{{{{{{{{{{At the airport}}}}}}}}}}}}}

I smiled when I saw Charlie, -he was holding a sign that said 'Andromeda Swan', I cringed at the name, I had always preferred Andy, it just felt less girly- I walked over to him and gave him a hug (🤗 apparently that's the hug emoji *shrugs*) "Whoa!" Charlie said, looking up at me. I was about three or four inches taller than him, "you've had quite the growth spurt since I saw you last" he said incredulously, I laughed "the last time you saw me was over five years ago, " " I know, it's just crazy that you're taller than me now!" I laughed again "yeah I guess it is a little crazy"

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{At home}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

I climbed out of Charlie's police cruiser, and looked around, it hadn't changed a bit, I sighed, that meant that my room was probably the same as it was when I was eleven.

I walked into my room and dropped my stuff on the bed, the walls were still the same green blue color and the bedspread was the old patchwork quilt that I had always had, there were posters on the walls -mainly fandom posters- along side of my old drawings.

I laid down on my bed, and turned my favorite song on, and closed my eyes.

I sat up blinking, the sun was streaming in through the window, I fell back onto my bed, I had fallen asleep.

"Shit" I muttered as I looked at my watch, I had twenty minutes before I had to meet Bella, at the Newton's store - she was gonna give me a tour and introduce me to some of her friends- I got up grabbed some clothes out of my suitcase, an old band t-shirt, some black ripped jeans, and a purple 'City Natives' hoodie .

I ran downstairs and out the door to my car -which I had bought and Charlie had driven here- I hopped in and started it up, I loved the way it felt, but there was no time I had to be at the Newton's store to pick up Bella in seven minutes.

I'm finally done with this chapter! Yay! It took me like a month to write this. I'm really excited about this book, and I can't wait to see how it goes from here! I'm going on a trip for 6 weeks soon, and I usually get a lot of writing done when I'm in the car, so expect updates soon. Love you guys - Eva✌🏻

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