Chapter 3: Shock

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Dameon threw his arms around me in a huge bear hug. I just stood there, still shocked by the look on his face. What was going on? Why was he looking at me like that? I was so lost in my confusion that I didn't feel his sweltering heat. At first.

"Holy crow! Dameon, you're boiling!" I shouted, trying to push away from him. I was obviously not strong enough to move him myself, but he let me go easily enough. I looked him up and down. "Are you still ill?!" That could explain the strange mood swings too.

"I'm fine. Never felt better!"

"But you're burning up... everywhere!"

His expression darkened. "Oh yeah... Well that's the thing..."

"What thing, Dameon?" These cryptic half- sentences were driving me crazy! Why could no one talk to me straight without being so damn confusing?!

Dameon could tell I was annoyed, his eyebrows furrowed as he read the expression on my face; my mum always said I was like an open book.

"I know this must be frustrating you, Emily. I really wish I could explain. Really, I do." He looked frustrated, as though he was trying to figure something out. Then, an idea must have hit him because his face brightened up. "Wait a minute..."

He looked around him, and seemed satisfied that we were surrounded by trees. He turned back to me, a twinkle of hope in his eyes.

"Please, wait here one minute. I'll be right back."

"You're leaving me? Wait, Dameon why?"

"Trust me. I'll be back before you can miss me." He winked at me before he turned and ran off into the trees.

Great. So now Dameon was acting weird and I was alone in a forest. Luckily it was still light, or I might not have been able to keep myself together. Last time I was alone in the trees...

No. I couldn't think about that. Not now. The last thing I needed was to fall apart here. I had to work out what was up with Dameon. What were these mood swings all about?

I'd barely thought about it when Dameon came bounding back, pulling his shirt back on. Why did he take it off?! His face was triumphant and I barely had a chance to marvel at his speed before he'd scooped me into another bear hug.



He let me go, but kept his arm around my waist so, when he sat on the ground, I was forced to sit on him. It was weird, being this close to Dameon; I wasn't used to it.

"So Emily, I have a lot to explain." He started fiddling with my hair. What was that all about? Where'd this sudden closeness and confidence all come from? What'd changed?! He didn't look as though he was going to continue, so I prompted him.

"Yes... A lot. For instance, what's been going on these past two weeks? Where did you go before? Where did this come from?" (I gestured to his hand, still in my hair).

He snatched his hand away, but rested it around my waist instead. "Oh. Yeah. About that... Well..."

"Spit it out dameon."

"I'm sorry. I just... don't know how to say it. It's pretty big. And weird. And..." His expression darkened, as though he had thought of something particularly upsetting. "And you might hate me when I tell you. I suppose I understand..."

"Dameon please, just tell me. I won't hate you, and I can handle weird. Try me."

He shifted nervously underneath me "Okay. Do you remember that day at the beach? The first day we met."

"Of course."

He nodded. "Right well, I told you stories. About our myths?"

"Just cut to the chase, Dameon." I didn't like being reminded of that time. That was the day I found out what Austin was. I didn't want to think about that right now.

"Sorry. Well basically..." He looked me right in the eyes. "I'm a werewolf Emily."

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