Chapter 1- A Fresh Start

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(Not Edited)

Ok new story Idea. As i have gotten stuck on the other 2.



I love you all



Anastasia's P.O.V

Looking at the clock she watched the numbers on her beaten up alarm clock flicker too 12:00am, Feeling her heart grow heavy she sat on the edge of her grubby matress her head in her hands as she listened to the house around her.

Nothing she could hear nothing, standing slowly she felt the wave of dizziness wash over her as her stomach protested at been empty.

Gripping the door handle she pulled it open slowly, hearing the protest in the old hinges as she used the wall for support she hadnt eaten in a good few days and the only source of liquid she could find was from the tap in the bathroom, shaking her head she felt the shaking in her body increase as she scrunched her eyes tight she took a shuddery breath.

Clearing her thoughts of her hunger she walked down the stairs quietly, been an Omega ment she was the punching bag of the pack, and she was still recovering from her last beating

She wished her parents were still alive, maybe then the beatings wouldnt be as bad, She snorted at the thought covering her mouth her heart rate increasing as she bit into her lip, she may be a human and have bad hearing, but this house was full of wolves. Wolves who dispised her for been their. And she didn't want too wake any of them

See she was a human, in a pack. Her parents had been the Beta's of the pack, they had been killed protecting her when they had been into town. Now the whole place despised her for taking away their beloved Beta's. She had been an only child and today was her birthday.

Sighing she pulled open the door to the pack house the sight of the moon made her smile as it shone proudly in the sky the stars shining just as greatly around the moon.

How she wished she could stand enjoying the veiw she pulled her small cardigan tighter around her small malnutritioned frame as she walked away from the house needing to hurry knowing patrol would be out at the boarders.

Quickening her pace she stepped over the threshhold of the packs graveyard a smile gracing her pale lips as she let her bare feet walk across the wet grass, the cold making her shiver slightly but not dampening her smile as she knelt slowly careful not to adjitate her bruised ribs from her last beating she let her fingers trace over the headstones that read In loving memory of the mates Isaac & Cassandra Masern Beta and Beta Female to Bornstar pack, Mother and father too Anastasia Masern Sniffing a little she wiped the tears that had decided to return as she sat looking at the headstone.

"You know how much i miss you guys, i wish you were here.. Life is....not worth the trouble now your both gone, Im 18 today....and i want nothing more then to have you both here with me. i dont know how much more of their beatings i can take" she whispered feeling fresh fat hot tears gracing her cheeks as she sniffed looking at the moon

"you took them, and then left me without a wolf, why would you do that to me.....isnt it enough to take my parents" she whisper yelled not wanting to receive a beating for been out of her room.

Looking at the headstone once again she stood slowly kissing the cold stone before she turned her back on the grave of her parents as she headed back to her room collapsing onto the matress knowing she had to be up early to prepare breakfast for the pack.

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