Jungkook's Birthday

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The clock strikes exactly at 12 and Jin was slowly and steadily tiptoeing towards Jungkook room with a banana flavoured cake which Jungkook likes the most. He wants to suprise him exactly at 12,he didnt want to be late.

  He slowly opened the door trying hard not to produce any sounds,he went inside but it was all dark so he kept his cake on the floor and slowly made a move to Jungkook's bed where he assumed he might be sleeping,he was just near the bed,suddenly he was being pulled and pinned against the bed.

"Oh my god",Jin screamed but the man immediately placed his hands on Jin's head.

"I knew you would come",Jungkook spoke

"Oh my god Jungkook what was that?",Jin was breathing heavily as he was not recovered from the shock

"Its me hyung",Jungkook stretched a little to turn on the table lamp. The light from the table lamp was dim not enough to brighten the whole room but Jungkook can clearly see Jin under him looking so vulnerable as he becomes breathless,his both hands placed on Jungkook's chest firmly. Jin can also feel Jungkook's chest on his hands,he was too strong filled with muscles.

"I wanted to suprise you but you suprised me instead,I'm mad",Jin pouted cutely and Jungkook smiled for how cute the elder looks

"You are enough for me hyung,I dont need anything else beside you",Jungkook tried to kiss Jin's forehead but Jin blocked him by placing his hands on his lips

"Comeon hyung its my birthday",Jungkook was little dissapointed

"Jeon Jungkook wtf are you wearing??Oh my god Why is your shirt so loosely buttoned? You'll catch a cold",Jin pushed Jungkook hard enough so that Jungkook got up,Jin got up too but he was still inside Jungkook.

"And what the fuck is this? How many peircings did you have without asking me?? Jungkook what the hell??",Jin said pointing towards Jungkook's dangling earrings.

Jungkook grabbed Jin's fingers and folded them softly before coming near,very near,their face only an inch apart from eachothers

"I told you hyung,Stop treating me like a child",Jungkook's voice went deep,deepest that Jin just got chills inside,his eyes turned dark,his lips flushed red as he kept on bitting them

"I told you hyung,Stop treating me like a child",Jungkook's voice went deep,deepest that Jin just got chills inside,his eyes turned dark,his lips flushed red as he kept on bitting them

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"Ah...O...k....I'll not",Jin was afraid ofcourse, and he must. He was omega afterall,

"So can I get a kissy from hyung?",Jungkook's eyes was still filled with darkness,and Jin was just afraid,he thought his scents was causing Jungkook to act that way since they were too close

"S..u..re",Jin shut his eyes tight,trying hard to control his smell but it wasnt on his hand,he hoped drugs to act as soon as possible which he had taken an hour ago

He was just keeping his eyes shut when suddenly he felt a warm peck on his forehead

"Aish hyung you're so cute"

Jin opened his eyes to witness Jungkook cutely smiling at him.

"What the hell were you thinking Jin,snap out from your mind. Even though he is alpha he is still my Jungkook",Jin thought on his mind as he smiled back

"So what did you prepare for me this time?"

"So,here",Jin stood up and gave him his cake

"Just a cake?",Jungkook pouted

"Hmm why dont you check for yourself?",Jin took out a small box from his pocket. It was wrapped beautifully,Jungkook excitedly opened the gift and saw small cute bunny necklace,he smiled.

"Hyung its cute"

"Yes, I just saw this and it reminded me of you so I just bought it,if you dont like I'll just exchange it"

"What the hell? NO,i fucking love it..I'm going to wear this forever"

"But this looks like whitegold? Are you sure we can afford it?",Jungkook looked at Jin and Jin just smiled

"Oh comeone Kookie, Your birthday comes once in a year.. dont worry about it.. you loved it right? Thats enough for me",Jin brushed Jungkook's hair

"I love you hyung",Jungkook smiled fondly amd Jin just smiled as he stare Jungkook checking his bunny locket and comparing it with his face

"Right, You're my little bunny, you'll be one forever",Jin softly mumbled to himself

"By the way remove your earrings or else no food for weeks"


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