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          Eventually, Jack goes to record another video. He makes sure to close his bedroom door and lock it. Jack then sets up his recording station and gets ready to record a game called 'Small Simulator'. Anti eventually gets up after Seán leaves knowing full well that the door was locked. He glitches into his room.

          *wapoosh* " TOP OF THE MORNIN' TO YAH, LADDIES! My NaMe Is JaCkSePtIcEyE ANd welcome to Small Simulator" Seán clicks start and soon
feels dizzy, passing out. Before he loses total consciousness, Seán feels his clothes get looser on him, he doesn't know he's shrinking. The game closes and removes itself from his PC. Anti walks past Seán's room and is confused as to why he doesn't hear anything. He knocks on the door and there's no answer.

          "̵J̶a̷c̷k̵?̵"̸ No answer. "̵I̴'̴m̴ ̷c̸o̸m̸i̵n̸g̵ ̸i̶n̵"̸ Anti says and glitches I to the room. There's a pile of clothes on Seán's chair and his computer is off. "Seán~" he says, imitating Mark's voice.

          Jack wakes up, but feels different and everything is dark. He had been shrunk down to two inches tall and is covered by his clothes. "What the hell?" Seán thinks very confused on why Mark was so loud. "M-Mark?" He mumbles. Anti hears a small squeak come from Seán's chair.

          "̸W̷h̶a̵t̶ ̵t̷h̵e̵ ̷f̷u̴c̷k̴?̴"̴ Anti asks himself aloud as he searches through the pile of clothes. "̷J̵a̷c̸k̸!̷?̴ ̸H̶o̵w̷ ̶i̷n̵ ̵t̷h̷e̵ ̶w̶o̴r̷l̸d̴ ̴d̴i̶d̸ ̴y̵o̷u̶ ̸g̸e̴t̵ ̶s̸o̷ ̵s̴m̴a̷l̸l̸?̴!̸"̶ Jack's eyes widen as he realizes that everything is huge.

          "I-I could ask you the same thing" Seán replies feeling anxious when he sees Anti is a giant, now. Anti has the confusion. :P

          "̵J̴a̷c̶k̵,̸ ̸j̸u̶s̶t̶ ̷c̸a̴l̵m̷ ̷d̷o̷w̵n̵.̴ ̵E̸v̷e̴r̴y̷t̸h̴i̴n̶g̴ ̴w̶i̶l̵l̷ ̸b̶e̵ ̸f̷i̴n̶e̶.̵ ̷I̴'̴m̷ ̶n̵o̸t̷ ̵s̷u̸r̴e̴ ̷w̴h̷a̵t̸ ̷i̷s̴ ̵g̴o̷i̶n̷g̶ ̸o̷n̵ ̷h̸e̶r̷e̸,̵ ̴b̴u̸t̶ ̷I̵ ̵t̵h̶i̸n̷k̵ ̸y̶o̴u̵ ̴d̷o̵.̵ ̴S̷o̵,̸ ̵c̷a̵n̸ ̶y̶o̵u̸ ̵t̴e̴l̴l̴ ̴m̸e̵ ̶w̷h̵a̶t̴ ̶h̷a̶p̸p̷e̴n̶e̷d̶ ̴b̷e̵f̴o̴r̶e̴ ̸y̶o̶u̸ ̵p̶a̴s̵s̵e̷d̸ ̸o̶u̵t̷?̵"̵ Anti asks Seán. Jack takes a few deep breathes before nodding and answering.

          "I-I was setting up a game to record, when I clicked play I started to feel dizzy and then everything went black." Seán explains. Anti sighs.

          "̵O̴k̶a̵y̴.̵ ̶I̸'̸m̷ ̸g̶o̶i̷n̸g̷ ̴t̵o̸ ̵p̵i̴c̴k̷ ̴y̶o̴u̶ ̷u̴p̷,̴ ̴b̸r̷i̶n̵g̴ ̸y̶o̵u̶ ̶d̶o̶w̸n̴s̷t̷a̶i̶r̷s̶,̷ ̷t̴h̸e̵n̶ ̵c̴a̶l̵l̴ ̶D̸a̴r̸k̵y̴ ̴t̴o̶ ̷s̶e̶e̵ ̶i̶f̸ ̸t̸h̷i̴s̷ ̷h̴a̶p̸p̵e̶n̷e̶d̶ ̶t̵o̴ ̷M̵a̴r̷k̶,̸ ̵a̴l̶r̵i̷g̸h̷t̸?̶"̴ Anti explain/asks. Seán nods. Anti has Jack lay down on his hand so he doesn't fall off while walking downstairs. He sets him on the coffee table and calls Darkiplier. "̷H̵e̵y̷,̵ ̵D̶a̵r̷k̷y̷,̶ ̴I̴ ̷h̵a̴v̴e̴ ̶a̸ ̶q̵u̶e̸s̷t̴i̵o̶n̸ ̸f̷o̴r̶ ̵y̶o̸u̷.̶ ̴I̷t̴'̸s̶ ̴g̴o̷n̸n̴a̵ ̷s̴e̵e̵m̴ ̸w̵e̷i̶r̶d̷,̷ ̸b̵u̴t̶ ̸a̷n̶s̶w̸e̶r̶ ̷t̶r̶u̵t̶h̷f̶u̸l̸l̸y̸.̴"̴

          "Alright" Dark answers over the phone.

          "̶D̸i̴d̶ ̴M̶a̷r̷k̶ ̶s̶h̸r̷i̶n̵k̶ ̶t̵o̷ ̵t̶w̷o̶ ̷i̵n̵c̶h̸e̸s̸ ̶t̵a̶l̴l̸?̶"̵

          "Uhm, I don't know. Let me check"

          Seán sits down on the coffee table. He's still weirded out by the fact that everything is so big. Plus he's naked which, in his opinion, makes it even more awkward than it already is. Anti waits impatiently and finally notices Seán is naked. He walks into the bathroom and grabs the smallest towel he could find, then brings it to Seán and sets it on him. He's thankful that something is covering him. Jack puts the towel over his privates.

~at the Markiplier Residence

          Dark knocks on Mark's door since he knows he's recording a video. "Mark?" He asks through the door. Dark doesn't hear an answer and gets slightly concerned.

(Eh ne, e cleffhenger! Whetever shell we de?! Ye genna wait, thet's whet yer genna de. I don't know why I put it like that. Anyway, hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for the next chapter. It's currently 3:30 am, and I'm not even tired. Tchüss!)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2020 ⏰

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