Part 3

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"Um" Sara says, looking to her left at Jessica.

"Um? 'Um?' is going on?" Shonda dictates angrily at Sara.

Sara sits breathless next to Jessica, saying nothing.

Shonda directs her attention to Jessica:

"So, Jessica, would you care to explain?"

"I-I-Um" Jessica says looking back and forth between her boss and her current lover.

"Can either of you say anything besides 'um'?"Shonda exclaims getting gradually more and more frustrated.

The two look at each other speechless.

"Okay, well since neither of you have anything to say, you're going to listen."

Jessica looks down at her lap. Although her character is the one who is famous for having authority issues, Shonda wrote that in because she knew Jessica was the same way.

"I'll start with you Jessica. What in the HELL were you thinking blowing off your scenes? You know how much that sets us back. We have a deadline, we have to get the season premiere done, you KNOW that."

Jessica looks up, feeling shocked that Shonda was yelling at her for missing scenes and not for sleeping with her co-worker.

"And you!" Shonda says, shifting her attention to Sara, "You lied to me! Right to my face! I asked you where she was and you said you had no idea when in all reality she was laying right next to you! What kind of crap is that?!"

Again, shocked looks from both of the accused parties.

"What?! Why are you people looking at me like I have three heads?!" Shonda exclaims.

"It's just-" Sara says.

Even Sara talking back to Shonda makes Jessica nervous and she grabs her hand under the covers.

"It's just what?!" Shonda says, annoyed.

"We thought you were going to yell at us about- you know.." Sara says looking around the room.

"Oh! The fact that you two are sleeping together?"

"We're not sleeping-that's not what this is-" Jessica says.

"Yeah? Then what is this?" Shonda asks.

"It was a spur-of-the-moment thing" Sara says.

"Sure, sure it was. It does'nt matter. I can handle that. I can handle you two-doing- well, doing whatever it is you are doing.What I need is for you two to be at your scenes when you're needed and to NOT lie to me."

"So you're not going to tell Chris?" Jessica says.

"Or Ryan?" Sara says.

"No! Of course not! Why would I do that?!"

The two simultaneously breathed a sigh of relief.

"What I AM going to do, however, is stop this." their boss says.

The two look around, specifically, away from each other.

"You two will have exactly four more episodes together."

"What?" Sara says, confused.

"You will have four more episodes as a married couple."

"But-you said that you would never break the characters up" Jessica says.

"Well, circumstances change, now don't they Jessica."

Jessica squeezes Sara's hand harder under the covers and looks down at her lap.

"You will not see each other anymore. You will not have any contact on set after these four episodes unless it has to do with your 'daughter'"

"You can't just- you can't just break them up. The fans will eat you alive" Sara exclaims.

"You let me worry about the fans" Shonda says.

"And if I hear-or see- anything like this EVER again, there will NEVER EVER be a chance of love for either of your characters. Because they'll be dead. Do we understand each other?" Shonda asks.

The two look at each other, mouths gaping, shocked at what is happening.

"Yeah, we understand." Sara says.

"Good. Now I'll leave while you two get dressed and go home to your families."

She looks at the two again and reaches for the door handle,

"I handled this. Don't make me handle it again."

And with that, their all-mighty boss left the trailer.


"Shut-up! Just shut-up for a second!" Sara said.

She got up off the bed and started gathering her clothes.

"You have to go" Sara says, cleaning up the trailer.

"I know.." Jessica says.

"But, we should talk" Jessica says.

"No. Not now, just go." Sara says walking down the trailer hallway.

"Sara," Jessica says following Sara down the hallway.

"Jessica! What?!" Sara says angrily, turning around to face Jessica.

"I-I" Jessica says, tears filling her eyes.

"No, don't cry! You do not get to cry! You get to leave!" Sara says, pointing at the door adjacent to her.

"Sara! God damnit! Don't be so damn rude! You're not like this. We need to talk!"

"And I said NOT NOW. Why don't you get that?!"

"Because Sara! Because!" Jessica yells.

"Because WHY?!" Sara yells back, getting closer to the blonde.

Jessica responded by quickly stepping closer and passionately kissing Sara.

She kissed her so hard, forcing Sara's mouth open, she wanted to make sure Sara felt her.

She kissed he so passionately, so violently, with so much power, that she was exhausted when she pulled away.

"Because I love you." Jessica breathed, staring at Sara's shocked and emotionally drained face.

"I love you." She said again as she grabbed her purse, and then the door handle and opened it.

She was halfway down the steps, when she turned around and said again"

"I love you Sara Elena Ramirez. And you need to figure out what you are going to do about it."

And with that, Jessica let the door close behind her and she walked out of the trailer area and to her car, where she got in, adjusted her mirrors, let out a small sigh, and left.

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