A normal day for a killer

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It has been 7 months since me and Jane found out we are expecting but nothing has really changed Jane spends most her time in bed now and she gets sick A lot I do everything I can to make her comfortable so when she takes nap I go take a shower of talk to Blue of EJ Blue talked slender in to building a nursery on the side of our room with a door that connects them once I found out we were going to becoming a larger family I started working in the nursery I hand crafted everything in there from the cribs to the dressers I made all of the baby clothes I know the gender of the babies but Jane wanted it to be a surprise the nursery is perfect it even has copies of all the photos I took since I got here when I put the frames up I am not going to lie a few tears were shed finished setting up the last of the baby stuff by the time Jane was waking up from her nap but something was off Jane looked like she was in pain I picked her up after making a quick call to EJ and doctor smiley I carry Jane down stairs to the exam room by the time EJ and doctor smiley showed up I have Jane's IV hooked up and she is in a patient's gown EJ takes one look at Jane and starts to get stuff ready doctor smiley pulls in three baskets on carts meanwhile I am holding Jane's hand offering as much comfort as I can EJ come over to Jane and asks her if she is ready as he starts to apply the local antistatic getting Jane ready for her
C-section EJ then puts up a divider between Jane's upper half and lower I hold Jane hand as I stand in the middle so I can see our babies be born as EJ makes the first cut and another making his way to the uterus as he makes another cut along the uterus he puts his scalpel on the tray as he reaches in to pull out the first baby just as the baby hits the air it starts to cry Jack says it's a girl as he hands her to me to cut the cord just as he taught me then I lay my first born into the basket waiting for EJ to pull another baby out just as Jack pull out the second baby he uses a suction tool to clear the baby's airways as it starts to cry another little girl he says I cut my next baby's cord and lay her is the backer next to her sister this finally baby was the baby that was breached meaning it flipped upside down so it's feet were pointing down EJ pulls the baby out and it had the umbilical cord wrapped around it's through Jack quickly and carefully removes it as he starts to use the suction tool on the last baby who has yet to cry or draw a breath EJ starts to CPR on the baby trying to get it to breath when you hear I tiny cry as you start to cry in relief you hear EJ say it's a boy as he hand you your son you cut his cord as Doctor smiley takes the baby's to go run examinations and clean them up as EJ stitches up Jane who you keep giving kisses and praise finally EJ is done he removes all the barriers and stuff that is on Jane I then give Jane a gentle hug as I call Blue who rushes over with Sally and Lulu Blue Burst into the room running over to us hugging us and giving Jane a kiss on the head so she dose not hurt her Sally runs over giving Jane a half side hug and me a full one and Lulu dose the same when we are done doctor or smiley comes back with the babies in the outfits I gave him Blue made these ones saying they fit mine and Jane's kids perfectly how she knew the gender I do not know anyways the outfits are pink for one purple for another and light blue for the last and they all had stars on them Blue and me even worked on a note for Jane she asked Blue to read it and it says thank you for the most breath taking children from the women you left starstruck everyday since I met you Jane starts to cry hugging me. Jane let me name the babies because I knew the gender before her the oldest girl is named Lana the next girl is Nova and the little boy is named after his savior Jack but we will just call him JJ until he is in trouble if they are any thing like us they will be and that was it the happy love story ending and it was I got the girl I got my dream family I have friends I can really count on and I will never be happier

That's it for today my little killer's From Blue Byeeee🖤💙🖤💙🖤💙🖤💙

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2020 ⏰

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