through the months

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We now see you as you were working on the nursery for the baby as we see Jessica come in to see what your doing as you saw her.

(Y/N): Hello honey.

Jessica: Hi Sweetie, you working on the nursery?

(Y/N): Yeah, it's a working progress, but in time it'll be perfect for our child or kids.

Jessica saw that you were setting up the crib and that it was finished.

Jessica: Well I think this will be perfect.

(Y/N): Well I'm glad you like this my beautiful wife.

Jessica: And thank you for setting it up my gorgeous husband.

You then walked to her and kissed her as you brought your arms around her waist as she wrapped her arms around your neck deepening the kiss as you both separated and looked into each other's eyes.

(Y/N): I want to make sure we have a bright future for our family.

Jessica: Well I know you're going to be an excellent father.

(Y/N): And you'll be a fantastic mother too.

Jessica: Aw, thank you honey.

You and Jessica held hands as you saw the wedding ring knowing you are glad to be with the love of your life.

(Y/N): Well this may take some time but we'll get through this together.

Jessica smiled at you knowing that you care for her and your baby.

Jessica: I think maybe we can get started on painting the room.

(Y/N): Are you sure you wanna help?

Jessica: Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean that I can't help my husband.

We then see you and jessica getting to work on painting the room. As four months passed we see you and jessica as we see her stomach was now big as you both were taking a walk through town as you held Jessica's hand.

(Y/N): So any thoughts on what to do today?

Jessica: We can see a movie.

(Y/N): Good idea, we'll see a movie.

As you all walked off to the theaters you then saw Oliver Queen.

Oliver: Hello (Y/N) and Jessica.

(Y/N): Hey Oliver, just going to see a movie.

Oliver: Oh that sounds lovely. And Jessica I can see you have gained a few pounds.

Then you saw Jessica as her face was in a look of pure rage as you saw her then grabbed Oliver and beat the living pulp out of  him as you looked at him in pity as you saw him on the ground covered in bruises as he was in complete pain.

Oliver: Ow...

Jessica: I'm not putting on weight you moron! I'm having a baby!

(Y/N): Yeah, the thing is me and Jess are married and she's pregnant.

Oliver: Oh... I see now.

(Y/N): And Oliver life lesson number one:  Never tell a woman she's fat. Especially to a pregnant one at that.

Oliver: My bad.

Jessica: Come on (Y/N) we need to see a movie.

(Y/N): Coming, sweetie.

You and Jessica went inside the theater to pick out a movie to watch. Later we see you and Jessica at home as Jessica was seen eating a tub of ice cream as she had finished it.

Jessica: (Y/N) get me another tub of ice cream.

She threw her run away as you looked at her.

(Y/N): Ok, but first there's one thing I need to do.

Jessica: What is it?

(Y/N): This.

You then came at her and began to tickle her stomach as she then began to laugh.

Jessica: Ahahahahaha! (Y/N) no! Hahahahaha! Don't do that! Hahahaha! Please! Stop! It tickles.

(Y/N): Sorry Jess, but I just think that the baby likes to be tickled.

Jessica: Hahahaha! (Y/N)! Stop right now! I mean it! Hahahahaha! No more tickling! Hahahahaha!

You kept tickling her stomach as you smiled at her as she was laughing so much as you had enough as you stopped laughing as she looked at you.

(Y/N): I'm sorry hon, I got a little carried away for a minute.

Jessica: It's ok, I forgive you. Just don't do that again.

(Y/N): I won't. I promise.

Jessica: Good, now please get me another tub of ice cream.

(Y/N): Anything for you, my beautiful lantern.

You kissed her cheek as you walked to the freezer and got her another tub of Ice cream as you walked to the couch and Jessica sat down with her as she was eating the ice cream she then felt something from her stomach as she realized that the baby just kicked.

Jessica: (Y/N), the baby just kicked, you should feel it.

She grabbed your hands and placed them on her stomach as you looked at her.

(Y/N): Are you sure it kicked?

Then you felt a kick as you then smiled at her.

(Y/N): Aw, our little baby is gonna be a great hero one day just like us.

Jessica: Aw, thank you. And I know we'll be great parents.

You and Jessica then kissed as you held her close as you looked at her.

(Y/N): I'm glad to know that I have you as a wife.

Jessica: And I'm glad to have you as my husband.

(Y/N): Yup and soon in a few months we're gonna be parents.

Jessica: Yeah, and we'll make sure that our child has a happy life.

You smiled at her.

(Y/N): And We'll be sure to teach our child to be a hero just like her mother. *places your hand on her stomach* and we'll be there together.

Jessica smiled at you as you and Jessica walked  to your room and laid down on the bed.

(Y/N): You know what's the best part of being married to you?

Jessica: What is it?

(Y/N): in the morning when I wake up, I get to see the beautiful face of the woman I married.

Then Jessica smiled at you as you and Jessica kissed and then fell asleep as you held her close to you as you know that you will be there for your wife and your baby together as a family.

Well I hope you guys liked it because there will be more soon and you will be ready for the next part soon. And you will be surprised on what the next chapter has in store for you.

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