To the hospital.

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In the morning we see you and Jessica sleeping together and through the months we see that you have planned for the many things for the baby and you knew that Jessica was due any day now. Then we see Jessica getting up and you got up and looked at her.

(Y/N): Jess?

Jessica: It's ok I'm just going to the bathroom.

(Y/N): Ok but remember you are due any day now I'm just a bit concerned for you.

Jessica: I know, but I'm still excited Cause any day now we're going to have a new member for our family.

You then kissed her as she then  went to the restroom and you waking up but just as you were going to the bathroom you stepped in what can only be described as water

(Y/N): what the? Jess was it raining last night

Jessica: No I think my water broke. The baby's coming!

(Y/N): oh geez quick we need to get to the hospital and call the others.

Jessica: Ok, *calls up the others* girls my water broke meet us at the hospital.

Zee: But what about (Y/N)?

Jessica: He's taking me to the hospital.

Babs: Ok we'll meet you there.

We then see you Jessica and the others at the hospital with Jessica on a bed.

(Y/N): Just breathe Jess.

Then she grabbed you by the shirt and pulled you to her face as she had a look of pure rage.


(Y/N): I'm sorry ok. And for the record my uncle did this not me


Kara: Sheesh she's never been like this.

Babs: I know right? She's usually super chill.

Jessica: Not helping!

(Y/N): Sorry.

Then you came to her and held her hand.

(Y/N): But we'll get through it together I pro- *gets his hand crushed* ow! Why is your grip so strong?

Jessica: Sorry. Just promise that you won't leave me ok?

(Y/N): Ok.

Then the doctor came in as he saw the you, a pregnant Jessica and the others

Kara: What took you so long?

(Y/N): yeah cause if you hadn't noticed... my wife is in labor and about to give birth!

Doctor: Sorry I'm late.

Kara: 'sorry' doesn't cut mr now go help my pregnant friend or else

(Y/N): Please she means please help my wife and deliver the baby.

Doctor: Ok.

Then he came to Jessica.

Doctor: Ok I'm going to need you to push.

Jessica: Ok.

Then Jessica began to do as the doctor told her as she was holding your hand and was crushing it a bit.

(Y/N): Ow! *looks at Jessica* Don't worry Sweetie we'll get through this and have our child or children soon.

Jessica: Ok, just please promise you'll help with the baby or babies.

green marriage. (Jessica Cruz x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now