New Year's Eve - 1

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After spending Christmas with our families Dean and I continued to text throughout the days and we'd also started to talk over the phone. I would have never ever imagined that talking to a guy could once come that easy to me.

We agreed to meet up in his studio on the 30th of December, just the two of us, to decide which song we'd record together.

Because, yes, I'd agreed to record a song with the band. After all I had promised him to think about it. And that I'd done. Every day until I'd fallen asleep and as soon as I'd woken up. And I'd made a bold decision.

And yes, Theo and Miles had listened to Dean's recording of my songs. "What can I say", Dean had told me later over the phone and I'd clearly sensed his broad grin, "the guys loved both of them." Apparently they were still absolutely in love with it, because they continued to urge Dean to meet up with me to work on it.


I opened the door to the studio slowly. My heart skipped a beat at the sight of Dean sitting on a chair with a guitar on his lap.

He looked up as I entered and flashed me a bright smile. "Hey, pretty little star."

I rolled my eyes and closed the door behind me. "You are such a flirt."

"I already told you that I'm not the flirty type."

I stuck my tongue out at him. "Yes you are."

"Okay, usually I'm not." I watched him pounding over something before he slowly put away his guitar and stepped closer. I edged closer too, until we were standing right in front of each other.

"You once told me that you are shy around guys." Dean reached out for a strand of my hair that had fallen over my shoulder. "Maybe it helps you to know that I'm shy around girls to."

I stared at him, afraid that if I said something he'd change his mind and never tell me what he was about to say.

"Usually I don't ask girls out. I never went on dates even although my friends tried to set me up multiple times." He was still playing with my hair.

"But why?" My voice was almost a whisper. He shrugged. "I just want to wait for the right one and I don't want to waste my time on relationships that won't last."

"How do you know it when you've found the right one?"

"I want to be able to be myself when I'm with her." I felt like he was staring right into my soul.

"Why am I even here", I joked. He grinned at me. "I don't know either."

"I can be myself when I'm with you", I said quietly.

His blue eyes were sparkling as he smiled at me and leaned down. His lips touched mine ever so softly and I melted into his kiss.

"Come on." He took my hand and pulled me with him eagerly. "Which song do you want to try?"


"I want to show you a song, too."

"Okay." I clasped my hands and looked at him expectantly.

Dean's fingers danced over the strings and then he started to hum a melody I recognized immediately. "You hummed that melody at the chalet", I noted, "when you were alone in the living room." Dean smiled. "Yeah, I kind of wrote it there."

Then he started to sing.

"Your eyes are pretty like the stars,

your smile so bright to light up my day.

You're the one I can never forget,

because baby, you mean the world to me.

And every time I look at you,

Every time I think of you,

I know that you are the one I want

to hold until the sun goes down."

When he finished, I hastily wiped away a tear that had escaped.

"Do you really mean that?" "Of course I do."

"Do you really think that I am pretty?" "Yes, I do."

"Do you really think that ... I am the one?"

"Lenny, I really do, and I want nothing more than to be your boyfriend."

"Oh my God."

Dean chuckled. "Is that a yes?"

I sniffed. "Yes, this is a yes."

I jumped up and hugged him tightly. "You mean so much to me, too."

I buried my face in his shoulder.

"And you say that you are not a flirt", I mumbled.

"Will you ever let it go?"

I smiled. "No."

My arms were still around his neck when I lifted up my gaze and looked into his eyes. "Never."

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