Monster at School

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Kirishima's pov
Waking up at 4:27am I streatched in the bed- wait... bed? Oh yeah! I was able to stay with Bakugo! I look around to see what kind of position I was on the bed. I was laying on my side with a blanket on top of me, when I tried to adjust my body to a more comfortable position I felt a tight squeeze around my waist. I turn my head from side to side, 'wait. Where's...?' I then lifted up the blanket to see the spiky hair boy underneath it hugging my waist in place so I couldn't move. I held in my  screamed, 'm-me a-and Baku-'
"Oi, stop moving so much..." I heard him whisper not realizing that I was shaking a bit from holding in my scream, not a second later did he realize what he was doing to me. He immediately, without any hesitation, backed up into the wall and hit his head with a quick "Vvvp!" sound.
"AH! SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT!" he cussed as he held his head where he had injured himself.
I laughed a little bit re-adjusting my big white shirt I move a little closer to him and reach out, "are you okay?"
"No I'm not fucking okay" he used his sarcasm, "waking up to bang your head make you wide awake and puts ya into a shitty mood!"
"Shh! You should be so loud this early in the morning" I held my finger to my mouth
"Whatever, I needed to get up anyways." He got up off of the bed, making sure not to fall or bang his head again, getting dressed up in his school uniform.
"Wait, what day is it today?"
He buttoned up his white shirt, "it's fucking Monday."
"M-monday!?" I exclaimed, "how long have I been in that asylum!?" He came up and put his finger on my mouth to shut me up. "You really shouldn't be talking that loud this early in the morning" he mocked me
"D-dummy..." I whisper
"I'm not the dummy here." He whispered back continuing to put on his school clothes.

Bakugo's pov
'what do I do?' I out my blazer on, 'i can't leave him alone at home, he'll defiantly get hungry, but taking him to school is a risk, not to mention all of the drama...' I thought about this over and over in my head for about 20 minutes, 'nnn......... Fuck it.'
"Shitty Hair, you're coming with me."
"E-eh?" His eyes widened, "but I don't have my school uniform and I'm sti-"
"I don't care, it's my job to be with you at all times, so just let me do my job, dumbass." I pull him up to his feet, "plus, you wanna see the rest of them, don't you?"
He nodded and I grinned a bit, knowing that he wanted to go out into the world once more to see his friends. "But what about my-"
"Just shut up, everything will be fine, Red Head." I interrupt him once again grabbing his hand and leading him downstairs to eat breakfast. Of course my parents weren't up this early, so I had to cook up something quick. I find one bread and put the bread in the toaster. "Hey, can you still eat food food?" The toasted bread popped out.
"I don't know actually, should I try?" Kirishima sat down in a chair in the dining room.
I take the piece of toast and put it in his mouth, "now chew"
Shocked at first, Kirishima complied and chewed on the food with an odd look on his face.

Kirishima's pov
'wait- this is toast?' I continued to chew, 'it tastes like sand!' I swallowed the toast making me cringe and have a shudder down my spine.
"What's wrong? You got a weird look on your face" Bakugo took a bite out of the toast that I had eaten.
"I-its nothing! Just that..."
"It doesn't taste good to you, huh?"
I jump a little bit, "how did you know?"
He sighed, "your goddamn face was telling me everything- hell, even your eyes started to change differently from last time."
"A-ah..!" I hide my blush with a little embarrassment and itch my head.
"Shit, we're gonna be late... C'mon Shitty Hair." He raced out the door with me following him.
'i wonder what everyone will think...'

3rd pov
Not too long after 4 or 6 minutes, Kirishima and Bakugo had gotten to U.A, Aizawa was at the front of the school entrance. "There you two are, now come on." He spun around and motioned his hand to follow him, the two spiky hair boys followed the teacher into the school. After traveling somewhere into the highschool,Aizawa had lead then into an office rummaging through a closet. "Kirishima, here's your new uniform, try not to ruin it." He said and handed it to him.
"Sweet!" Kirishima's old happy self had returned to him as he quickly started to change. Both Bakugo and Aizawa turned their backs to Kirishima, giving him some privacy.
"Remember your job, Bakugo"
"Yeah, yeah, I got it..." He brushed the messy brunette teacher off and turned back around to see that Kirishima was all ready to go, it was like as if he had never gotten the disease at all! The only thing left was to fix his hair that wasn't up any longer.
"Okay, now go to class."
"But what about my-"
"I have told all of the teachers in the building about your disease, and what the consequences are, you and Bakugo can be and will be excused at any time, all the time." Aizawa Sensei said standing tall, "now go to class"
Bakugo tched and Kirishima nodded as the two boys went to class Aizawa could only worry about what the future had planned for those two, especially Eijiro. 'may God have mercy on everyone today...'

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