Why Me?

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You arrived at Zendaya's house at 4 o' clock sharp. It was smaller than you had expected, but still reasonably large. You walked up to the porch and knocked on the door. She opened it almost immediately, as if she had been waiting right there.

"Y/N! You're here!" Zendaya exclaimed with a huge smile as she hugged you.

"Yup! Ready to spend some time with you!" You replied, then instantly regretted it. You had only just met her and she probably thought you were being forward. You soon realized that she wasn't angry, as you had thought, but smiling even wider.

"Come on in!" She said. You followed her into a spacious living room that contained a large sectional and a giant television.

"You have a lovely home," you said, awestruck.

"Thank you!" she said, smiling broadly. "Make yourself at home while I go get your dress."

You plopped down on the soft couch, all but surrounded by cushions. You loved it. Zendaya jogged up the stairs, and you heard a door opening, followed by a cry of "Aha!" A minute later, she came back down the stairs, carrying a beautiful dark blue gown. It faintly shimmered as it caught the light.

"It's the most beautiful dress I've ever seen," you breathed. "Thank you so much!"

"Anything for you," Zendaya grinned. "Now, let's get you into this dress!"

You slipped into the dress, the fabric sliding over your body as it shifted into place. It felt amazing.  You looked into a full-length mirror across the room and saw yourself in the gorgeous piece of clothing. You couldn't believe it. You actually looked... good?

"Oh wow," Zendaya breathed. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you," you said. "I can't believe it."

"OMG!" Zendaya squealed. "I knew it would look perfect on you!"

You hugged her. "Thank you, Zendaya."

"Just call me Daya," She smiled at you, her face betraying an emotion you couldn't quite put your finger on.

"Okay, Daya." You allowed yourself a small smile.

"Um... Would you maybe... Like to dance with me?" Daya asked nervously.

Your eyes widened. "Really?"

"You don't have to if you don't wa-"

You cut her off with a kiss on the lips. She leaned into it, seeming happy.

"I'm guessing that's a yes?" She said.

You giggled. "Damn right that's a yes."

You two danced for hours, until you both realized that you had to get ready for the event. Daya took you upstairs where you took turns doing each other's makeup, then hair, and finally, choosing accessories. You both looked absolutely gorgeous, you in the dark blue dress, Daya in a red Jessica Rabbit-esque dress with spaghetti- straps that looked breathtaking on her. You couldn't stop staring at her.

You arrived at the event, and stepped out onto a red carpet, cameras flashing and reporters yelling. Daya strolled down the red carpet, smiling and waving. You followed her, trying to do the same thing. You finally made it inside the venue, and searched for your seats. You followed Daya to seats in the front row, but were cut off by another person. She was a bit short, with short brown hair and dark brown eyes. She wore a gold dress with long sleeves and pretty silver heels.

"Hello there! You must be new. I'm Selena, and that is MY seat you are heading to," The girl said.

"I'm pretty sure that it's my seat, but I'm sure someone as famous as yourself could find somewhere else to sit," you answered.

She glared at you, then stormed off. You looked at Daya. "What was that?"

She looked shocked, then regained her bearings. "Um... Selena gets a bit... possessive sometimes."

"I gathered as much," you whispered, tears welling up in your eyes.

"Are you okay?" Daya asked, concerned.

"Yeah," you said. "I just n-need to u-use the b-bathroom."

You ran off, eventually finding a restroom. You darted into one of the stalls, tears running down your face. Good thing you wore waterproof makeup. All of a sudden you heard the door open, and footsteps coming toward you. There was a knock on your stall.

"Y/N?" It was Daya, and she was frantic.

"Daya?" You asked weakly, voice shaking.

"It's okay, just come out here. I want to talk to you a minute." Daya's voice was gentle and understanding.

You slowly opened the stall door, not bothering to wipe your tears. Daya held her arms out, inviting you in. You walked into her embrace, her warm skin comforting you.

"What's wrong?" She asked softly, her voice betraying no hint of frustration or anger.

"Why did you want me to come?" You asked her tearfully."There are much better people you could have invited to be your date. Selena, for one."

"I didn't want Selena," She said, a wry smile on her face. "I wanted you. You know why?"

"Why?" You sniffled.

"Because I... Well I like you Y/N. A lot." She admitted.

You looked up at her. "Really?"


You smiled and reached up to hold her face as you kissed her, and for a moment, all was right with the world.

Euphoric Replay (Zendaya X Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now