Should i trust you?

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Russia's POV

I woke to a loud beeping noise. I sat up,half asleep,and turned off my alarm. I looked at my bandages and sighed,they were bleeding again. I knew i shouldn't do this to myself,but i deserved it. I stood up and looked at the picture of me,kazakhstan,ukraine, belarus and dad that i had on my nightstand. We all looked so happy in  that photo,but not anymore.

I walked to the bathroom and changed my bandages,took a shower  and put on my clothes(an Adidas hoodie and dark blue jeans). I grabbed my ushanka and put it on.

I went to the kitchen and noticed america wasn't up yet.

Must be a heavy sleeper. I thought as i made some toast. I made some for me and left a plate for him at the table, since he probably couldn't do it himself.

Just as i was done with my food,america came in,wearing a green jacket with fur on the hood,his NATO shirt,ripped jeans,and of course, his sunglasses.

Rus-"Ешьте быстро, или мы опоздаем.(Eat quickly or we will be late.)"

America nodded and sat down to eat. I washed my plate and sat down on the dark grey couch we had in the living room.

After about 6 minutes,he was done. We left the dorm and started walking to class.

The dorms were on the second floor of the school,meaning you had to go down the stairs into the endless maze of students to get to your class.

When we finally got to our homeroom,almost everybody was there. America sat next to japan,and i sat in the corner of the classroom, alone.

I'ts not like anyone wants to be friends with someone like me...Except...


Now that i thought about it,he was the only person who has ever wanted to be friends with me.

But i had to think about that later, because class was starting.

He probably just wants something from me.

When class ended i stayed behind,so i could leave last.

I went to my locker,and of course, america was there.

Ame-"Hey,how you doin'?"

Rus-"I am fine." i said,taking my books from the locker.

Ame-"Well that's great! By the way i-

Rus-"Why can you not just leave me alone?"

America's smile faded.

Ame-"Jeez,why do you have to be so cold? I didn't do anything to you."

I slammed my locker door closed and turned around to face him.

Rus-"You have not hurrt me but you will.

I took one step forward.

"You werre my fatherr's enemy,all you want to do is tease me about his death,rright? Just like everry otherr countrry has!"

I took another step forward,and another one.

"You do not want to be my frriend."

At this point,we were centimeters away from each others faces.

"And i do not want yourr pity." i said through gritted teeth.

At that moment the bell rang. America pushed me away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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