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I walked confidently to the door and went walking right out on my journey. I walked home in the dark familiar city I grew up in. I walked passed the shopping market then I passed the marshals in town, then I got Home. I grabbed my bike and pedaled off as fast as I could. I couldn't help but notice that feeling that some one was watching me. I looked back, nobody was there.i kept pedaling until I got to the orphanage. I threw my bike in the bushes and tried to sneak a peak through the windows to see if my siblings were there. I slowly went to the window and there was five girls sitting on a bed playing with dolls. they looked about my sisters age. I looked around the room and there was one girl who was all alone sitting reading a book about family. she had dark hair and looked like my sis. I threw a rock at her window and she turned around. she closed the book and walked over to
Me. she rolled up the window and hugged me. she was my sister!
"Steven!" she exclaimed. "where have you been? are you ok?"
" I'm fine!" I said. " but moms in jail and I'm trying to find our brothers! I need your help!" she grabbed a bag full of her stuff and her book and then she jumped out of the window!
"I'm in!" she said. just ten a tall lady in a dark dress swung the door open and ran to the window screaming at my sis.
"Get in here now!" she screamed as if she would die without her. we ran into the woods behind the building fast.
"Hurry up here!" I jumped in a tree and grabbed her hand and pulled her up there. she had her bag bouncing up and down on her back. she was shaking she was so scared. nobody came for a while and then we decided to go look for our brothers. we went around the building and looked into the window of the back room. there was a couple of beds and there was a toy box and bookshelf. beside the toy box were two boys playing with tiny dinosours. all the other boys were playing around with the cars. I waved my arm but they still couldn't see me. I was to short, so was my sister. I then got an idea. it was just crazy enough to work.
"Bend down!" I told my sister. she did so, confused at why I asked. I jumped up and got onto her shoulders as she stood up. perfect hight! I waved my arms and got their attention. They looked shocked as I let them know that sis was under me. They jumped out of the window and we went running to the hiding place we always hid at as little kids.
It was a mini house basically. it had a kitchen full of sodas and can't and frozen dinners to last a month. it also had a table chairs and sleeping areas for all of us. there was even a couch and tv. I loved it here! we had mini closets to put our stuff in. it was like a cabin that we took over. We got in pajamas and we decided that we will find out who to stay with tomorrow. I got in my warm twin bed and drifted off to sleep.

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