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I was never one to believe in fairytales or heroes and monsters, even as a little kid. I learned young that the only real monsters are human. Or so I thought. That was of course until I met the Doctor

15 minutes prior:

It's cold and dark. Even with my biggest coat on I'm freezing cold. It's only 5pm but it's almost completely dark. There's a good five inches of snow from the night before, but it's New York and I'm used to the huge amount of snow we get every year. As I stand on the ledge of the bridge I look out, and I can see the whole town lit up with all the street lights and house lights. It was pretty and quiet, but in an oddly sad way. The same town where I've always lived, the same town that used to make me happy, now all I want to do is get away.
So I'm going to get away, the only way I know how. My hands are freezing, and the cold is making it hard for me to think. Right where the sleeves of my coat end I can see the scars on my wrist, pink and more noticeable from the temperature. In the cold I had almost forgotten why I came here, that was the one thing I liked about the cold. But I can't get rid of the thoughts that easily, they always come back, and when they come back it's like getting hit in the face with a bat. Actually, I'd prefer that. At least physical pain ends, emotional pain doesn't.
I imagine I'm a good forty feet from the ground. More than high enough to get the job done, I don't know when I woke up wanting die. I don't think it can be pin-pointed; it's just something that happens over time. How a small part of you dies every morning until eventually you're completely dead on the inside, and so what's the point of living than? Might as well match the outside to the inside and physically die.
And I was ready to die. I hugged my mom extra tight before she went to work this morning and told her I loved her and that I was sorry for everything. I left the note in my bedroom on my bed. I made sure to clean my room last night. I don't know why I did, it's not like it'll be used again, but something made me feel as if that was the right thing to do. At the least it would be less work for my mom.
I know that I'm ready, but my stomach is still in knots and every second seems like an hour. I have to do it now though, if I don't do it now, if I think too much I might never do it. But I needed to do it, I had to do it, I couldn't stay here anymore, I didn't belong here.
So with one deep breath I closed my eyes and clenched my fists. I moved my right leg off the ledge and the rest of my body followed. I surprisingly wasn't scared. It felt like flying, and for a moment I felt invincible, I forgot, forgot about all the pain, and hurt, and I started to wonder why I did this. But I snapped out of it. I knew why, and I knew I wasn't invincible, any second now I'd be dead.
And then I hit the ground, it hurt, but not nearly as much as it should have, and I was still conscious, definitely alive. I opened my eyes. I should be dead, but I wasn't. When I opened them I was in this strange room, circle all over the walls, bookshelves, and this giant thing smack in the middle with hundreds of little buttons and knobs. This wasn't normal, definitely nothing from my town. Maybe I have died; maybe this is where you went after life. I looked for an entrance or exit and finally found a door; I approached it more than afraid to see what laid beyond it. Something felt wrong. I opened the door wide and started to put my foot out, only to realize that there was no ground beneath my feet, my town a hundred feet below me. This didn't make sense, I already jumped, I should be down there, not higher up. But the thoughts soon went when I realized I was falling again, or should have fell, but than a hand grabbed me.
It was strong and firm, which didn't make much sense because I could feel how much the person's hands were aged. And for a couple of seconds it stayed that way. Me hovering above the ground held only by the mercy of a stranger who I couldn't even see, they could let go or pull me to safety any second. "Didn't your parents ever tell you to look before you leap, what were you thinking, so typical of pudding brains!" It was a male, definitely a male.
And with one swift movement I was then pulled back onto whatever I had leapt from, I'd guess a plane, but this was like no other plane I'd ever seen or heard of. Is that where our tax money has been going, upgrading airplanes? But something inside told me this wasn't an airplane. It was inhuman.
I got up even though my legs were still shaking, so I could get a good look at who saved me. When I turned around I saw an older man, like I thought. He was wearing a suit which I thought was odd, all black except for a splash of red in the coat. I didn't know what to think of him yet, on one hand he did save me, on the other hand he wasn't very nice at all. "Where am I?" I was finally able to utter.
"You're in the TARDIS pudding brain, I materialized around you when I saw you falling. You could've died!"
"That was kind of the point.....who are you?"
"Me? I'm the Doctor!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2014 ⏰

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