Stay Close (niall Horan)

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Sooooo this is my first story and yeah im kinda nervous, is that weird? Oh well :) please vote and comment what you think :) xox


Sapphires POV

My palms were sweating and I was shaking, I had never been so scared in my life. So many people had left crying, sad and disappointed I assured my

self I would not be like them. This was my second attempt at the x factor , I had done once before when I was younger, but I didn't get in...... This was my chance.

There were so many people here, all so talented. As I looked across the room a boy caught my eye, he was wearing a red polo short and beige jeans, but that wasn't what caught my eye. Even from where I was sitting his blue eyes sparkled the shade of the ocean, as he dragged his hand through his messy blonde hair, he caught me staring at him.

We stared at eachother for a few more awkward seconds, untill finally I managed to drag my eyes away from his intoxicating stare.

Nialls POV

The girl couldn't seem to stop looking at me, I didn't know why. I had never seen her before in my life, I would have remembered, she was beautiful. She couldn't have been older than seventeen, and her hair was light brown and fell just above her hips. I stood up and walked towards her.

" Hey my name is Niall"

Her eyes slowly dragged up from her ipod and locked on too my mine, her eyes were an electric green and stood out brightly against her tanned skin.

" hello, my name is sapphire" she said quietly

" so what are you doing here" I asked sapphire

" ummm just hunting elephants, you?" A smile crept across her lips

" very funny" I said blushing slightly " so your a comedian I take it"

"Me? No!" She said looking suprised " I sing, what about you?" She asked looking me up and down

" yeah I sing"


I looked up to see sapphire shaking

Sapphires POV

It took a moment to realise it was my turn, I was shaking and in all honesty I wasn't so sure if I could do this. I stood up and almost fall back down again, but Niall grabbed my arm and straightened me up.

" you can do this Sapphire" he whispered quietly into my ear

It felt like I had known Niall for all my life, he was so gentle as he helped me to thethe stage and as I walked up onto the steps I heard him say; " you can do it, believe and you will"

I walked onto the stage and felt the whole audiences stares burning through me. There was only one thing keeping me and my dream apart and that was the there judges that sat before me,

" whenever you're ready" simon said sweetly

I nodded to the sound crew and the music started,


So that's the end of my first chapter :) I know it's short. Can you please vote and comment what you think xox

Stay Close (niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now