meeting..... again!

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Sapphires POV

four yes's i couldnt believe it, as i ran off stage smiling wildly, i saw niall grinning at me.

"i made it" i yelled to niall as i jumped down the stairs. i found my self on the ground after i tripped up. Niall rushed over and seemed really worried he picked me up and i continued to smile like an idiot. He just stared at me as i fel myself getting lost into his eyes. with that i pulled him close and kissed him. i felt him smile as he pulled away.

"good luck niall" i whispered quietly. he handed me a peice of paper, and left to go on stage.


that was two years ago though i havnt seen niall since i was eliminated and he became famous as One Direction. i live with my two sisters Cassie and Sophia in a small country called new Zealand. we all live in a flat in Christchurch. Cassie is the eldest, then its sophia and then me, im the youngest. We moved to New Zealand because Sophia got a photography job here because of the beautiful scenery, Cassie is an interior desingner and a model, sophia is a photographer and i am a fashoin desingn er and model. me and cassie model together and sophia usually takes our photos. We have always been really close since dad died and mum got sent to a mental hospital. Today we had a fashoin shoot for my latest summer line.

"hey guys" sophia said as she stopped taking photos "can we visit mum todday?" she asked

i looked at cassie unsure and she replied with a nod

"of course sophia' she said "right after our photo shoot"


i wasnt particually excited about visiting mum. she kinda scared me. she would be all happy and nice but within seconds she could turn nasty yelling abuse, and it upset me everytime. But today i had a good feeling about this visit. The smell of cleaning products surounded me as we walked in. the nurse smiled kindly at us as we walked through the wards.  we entered mums ward and she was in mid rant yelling at one of the nurses, when she saw us a smile  erupted and she ushered us to come over and hug her. We talked for a while about our lives and how she was, but i was distracted.... something didnt feel right. i looked around the ward and found the problem immediatly, lucy wasnt here. lucy was a girl that lived here. she was 18 years old and her parents had both died in a car crash earlier in the year. from there she went crazy ranting and yeling at her social workers. i had befriended her when she first arrived, she was scared and worried so i tryed to sooth her, but now she was gone. i told cassie i was going to find lucy she nodded understanding how much lucy meant to me and then she quietly whispered in sophias ear where i was going.

"excuse me, but there was a girl, lucy.  she used to be on this ward, do you know where she is?" i asked a nearby nurse

"lucy... ahh yes she got moved into a private room yesterday, lucky girl' she said smiling

"thank you" i said hurring off

i walked to the main desk and asked her room, 12. Something wasnt right, lucy had no family, and private rooms were expensive, she must have kept something from me. i found out exactly what she had kept from me, she had a boyfriend. well five boyfriends, as i walked in the room quietly shutting the door there were five boys circled around her bed, and i could hear her laughing. the guy closest to lucy had light brown hair flicked to one side and was wearing red pants and a stripy top, the boy to his right had wild curly hair and was wearing a blazer, the next boy had a mirror in his hand and had a blue varsity jacket on, the boy on the far side of the bed was texting and had a plain shirt on and had straight light brown hair but finally the last boy stood out the most he had blonde hair and was wearing red supras, i felt like i knew him.

i walked forward and tripped creating a loud clatter as i lay on the ground blushing violently.

Nialls POV

i spun arpund quickly to see what had made the lond noise behind us in the door way. we were in new Zealand on tour and ended up visiting louis's girlfriend for their 1 month anniversary. a girl with light brown hair lay on the ground, and tried to pull herself up. Zayn ran forward to help her and we all got a  look at her face

"Sapphire!!!" lucy exclaimed

"sapphire? is that you?" i asked eagerly


done!!! YAY hahha second chapter, i guess its kinda looong not sure but oh well :) vote and comment xox

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