Chapter 4

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Hey beautiful ladies ;) I am Off, probably the most handsome, charming, ....damn there a lot more adjectives i can add to this list. Oh... let me get to the point. So I am clearly an all round perfect guy right? and so far I have been able to hook up with literally anyone my eyes get on, so why is it so difficult with him?!?!

Shit! You are probably really confused right now, let me start with the beginning. You see I was sitting with my friends like always in the cafeteria today, I was telling them my ways on how to get girls. It's a little complicated and there are a lot of steps. So many steps like becoming filthy rich, handsome, basically everything that'll lead you to become like me :)

"Don't you think you are thinking of yourself a little too highly?" My stupid friend commented

"With this chance" I winked

My friend did a weird evil grin thing after looking at the door. I turned around to look and saw the janitor talking to someone from the glass part of the door.

"Wanna have a bet" he smirked

I rolled my eyes "this is going to be so easy"


"You get laid with the person that comes out of that front door under a week and I'll give my limited edition watch that you do not have"

I thought about it, I mean the janitor looked like a freaking offspring of Drax and Mantis edition it worth it...but I don't have the watch and he does :[

"Shit! Whatever It's a deal"

We waited for a minute. The janitor after finishing talking went back to his work. PRAISE TO MYSELF! I wasn't going to have to get laid with his ugly ass.

I smirked looking back at my idiot friend's disappointed face. Damn, I really hope it's some hot senior chick to top it off. The door opened slowly and a short boy came out of the door and DAMN! he looked he looked like god must of spent some quality time making him

He was looking around nervously and then stopped after seeing me. Will that was easy. I walked to him confidently.

"Hey there pancakes, wanna go on a date?"

........ I am waiting

He glared at me nervously looking annoyed, he must of have a resting bitch face I thought, WRONG that little pancake had the nerve to freaking ignore me!!!! I repeat IGNORE ME

"Heyyy I am talking to you" I screamed while my friends began to laugh at me

He looked around terrified with almost tears forming in his eyes :O
What The Hell Did I Even Do

"Would he be able to bring his friends with him?" I heard behind me

Maybe his friends can help me get him laid then

Shit! That was the new guy Shinto everyone was talking about. He was the one who grabbed my dude Tay and punched P'.

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