Chapter 13

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The next day was full of commotion. Decorators ran around the house preparing for the ball. The caterers took over the kitchen. I explored for a while and stepped into the ballroom. It was very grand and beautiful.

"Mary!" Alisa grabbed my wrist. "The stylists are here."

"Stylists?" I asked.

"Hair and makeup. We have to get ready." Alisa dragged me to her room where a full glam team was waiting. It took hours to get ready. Alisa and I talked for most of the time which helped make it go by faster. The stylists helped me into my dress and did a few more final touches to my hair and make up. I was nervous. What exactly did Ivan have in mind? He wanted to tell everyone about our relationship.

"How are we ladies?" Sasha waltzed into the room. Her dress was a bright red and skin tight, with way too much cleavage showing.

"Just about ready." Alisa answered. Alisa looked at me and rolled her eyes. I stifled a laugh.

"We need to get going. The photographer will be here soon." Sasha huffed and left. Alisa and I finished up and headed down the staircase. At the bottom of the stairs, Ivan was waiting. Sasha has gone down before us and was standing next to him with her arms crossed.

"There he is." Alisa whispered to me. I smiled and watched as he turned around to look at me. He was wearing a tux which made him look even more amazing than he already does. When he saw me, he tried his best not to smile.

"Alright, let's go." Sasha went to take Ivan's arm but he pulled away.

"I'm escorting Mary." He looked at Sasha. She was genuinely shocked.

"Why would you do that?" Sasha looked at me, then back at Ivan. Ivan looked back at me as I reached the bottom of the stairs.

"She's the Queen." Ivan offered his arm to me and I took it. Sasha glared as he led me to the courtyard. The photographer took endless amounts of pictures.

"Guests are arriving!" Tatiana squealed. "Everyone head to the ballroom except you two." She pointed to Ivan and I. "We are going to announce you as the King and Queen of the Christmas ball. You'll come up to the front for the prize, then you each pick a dance partner for the first dance." Tatiana explained. "And you can pick anyone you like, it doesn't have to be each other." She looked pointedly at Ivan. She expected him to pick Sasha. Tatiana led us to the ballroom. She slipped in the side and we waited outside the large double doors, closed in front of us.

"You ready?" I looked at Ivan. He looked down and smiled. Then he bent down and kissed me.

"Of course." Ivan responded.

"And now, our King and Queen of the Christmas Ball: Ivan Antonovich and Mary Harris!" Tatiana announced from inside. The doors opened and a large crowd applauded us as we walked in to the front of the room. Tatiana waited at the end next to a pedestal covered by a sheet. Once we got to her, she smiled. "Now, ladies and gentlemen, the prize for this years winners." She pulled off the sheet to reveal a check for $500,000. It was hard for me to keep my composure. The crowd cheered and applauded. "To get things started, each winner will pick a dancing partner of their choice, starting with the King. Ivan, feel free to pick anyone here tonight for your first dance." Tatiana looked at Ivan. We turned toward the room. I saw Sasha take a small step forward. Ivan smirked and looked at me. Then, he held out his hand for me to take. I smiled and placed my hand in his. I surveyed the crowd as we walked to the center. Alisa was extremely happy, Damien was extremely shocked, and Sasha was super fucking pissed. Ivan and I begun waltzing around the dance floor and soon other couples joined in.

"I feel like that made an impact." Ivan chuckled.

"You could say that." I nodded.

"Mary." Ivan looked at me in the eyes. "I-."

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