Everything is gone

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(Jari pov )
Thomas has been gone for 5 days and where running low on food and water. And I don't want to go get it until he gets back. We've had 2 attacks both of them is those thing. Zoe hasn't come out of Thomas room in 2 day I was getting worried. I just need everyone back

(Thomas pov)

My eye slowly open my eye and look down to my leg and the nail where gone. I tried to move it put it was so sore . I tried to stand and I fell over and I land on my leg I scream until someone hand when on face and I look up as the lights was shaking and the room rattled. I look to my side and the was boy about my age wearing a black leather jacket with a strap going around his waist with a sword and mini black balls to.
After the rattling stop he pick me up and put me back on the bed. I look around the room on one of the wall was newspaper clipping of the apocalypse 2 months before the first spotting and photo of people high up the world. I was so confused I look around little more there was a hole wall full of weapon and gadgets. " come on I help you stand up you need to walk on it other wise it won't heal " said the boy

So He grabbed my arm and he pull me up. I started to walk but I just stumbled and slowly started to walk a bit more. I walk back over to the bed and sat down and the boy pull out a chair and started to talk
( I'll show what we talk about )

The boy : hi my names rick what's yours

Thomas : hi I'm Thomas....where are we

Rick : where just out side of town about 5 mile out

Thomas : how did I get here and how long have I been here and how far is it to billabong

Rick : a good 2 day walk maybe 3 with your leg and you have been here 5 days and I saw that building fall apart so ran to you put you in my trolley and push you Back here

Thomas : I need to get to my friend they will be worried and I need to get to the airport

Rick : there's no airport everything is gone just a few people still remain.

Thomas: that mean the dream was right everything is really gone

Rick : what do you mean dream

Thomas : for the past 2 months I have been have had weird dream about this apocalypse.

Rick walks into the other and come back with a folder. And on the front of the folder it says dreamers. He open it up and it has a bunch of photo of people asleep and aa newspaper that says a scientist apart of the better world try's to stop there work

Thomas : what does this have to do with my dreams

Rick: this guy was apart of the better world project. 10 of the top scientist had to work together to save the world but thats what everyone thought but they where trying to wipe out the world with this virus but this guy tried to stop but he got court and before they took him away he sent a signal so there first ten people that were on the phone or in a car got hit by this wave and they all started to get dreams about the apocalypse 2 months before this happen

Thomas : so I'm a dreamer and everyone in this folder is a dreamer ...... So what do we do

Rick : so we have to find these 9 people and go to the capital

Thomas: why

Rick : so if you read this bit here in the newspaper it says ( 10 people where hit with a signal and got weird dream about a virus and if these men or women get to capital and scan there finger on the dashboard everything will go back to normal

Thomas :so we need to find the other and get the capital

Rick : yeah but is not as easy as that

Thomas : why

Rick : because the capital is in America and the other nine are in jail across the world

Thomas : ok so whats the plan

Rick: ok on Monday that's 3 days away we will get back to your house get any weapon, food ,and water anything we need but along the way to your house we will do some quick stops for any supplies and on the Saturday we will head to the boat yard and try and sail to the first location

Thomas : ok but we have to find my friend Ashlee.

Rick: does you friend own a red and blue jacket

Thomas : no but i do .......but she had it ....on when she when ....missing

Rick walk over to the door at the back of the room and open the door and said " go ahead ". I hoped over to the door and I just saw Ashlee laying the asleep on a bed . I looked at rick and he said" she been here for about 6 or 7 days I found her in the school"

" yeah thats the day when everything change and she when missing....... How is she " I said " she's fine not bite, scratches she is just in shock hopeful she's fine by Monday" said rick. I sat on the chair next to her and grab her hand.

10 minute pass and she started to move around and her eye shot open...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2014 ⏰

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