What happen to the world

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Dead bodies everywhere I can't escape it. I run but I keep tripping. Nooooo! This can't Be happening to me. I want this all to go away

I wake up from a horrible dream. "Woah..." I mumble. I put my hand to my chest and feel my heart pounding out of control. I look at the clock it's 9:30 am and I jumped out of bed I was late for school I ran into my mum and dad room but they weren't there. Maybe they had to work today but there wasn't a note or anything. So I decided just to take the day off.

The next morning I had the same dream again and I don't have a clue what it is about but I didn't worry. I had my pack school book in and I was ready to leave but once again mum and dad weren't home and I didn't see them come home so I decided to phone the work ( me on the phone with my mum and dad work )

Voice mail - hi this is 4 states resort please leave a message after the beep


Thomas - hi it's Thomas I was just seeing if my mum and dad where there

So I headed out the door and I couldn't see anyone no kids no adults not even a bird in the sky it was so weird. I walk down the street to catch the bus and I could see my two friend Jari and Zoe at the bus stop. Zoe and I like each but are to afraid to do something but we do mostly everything that boyfriend and girlfriend would do expect kiss. The bus turn up and we hoped on and saw are other friends Brooklyn and Ashlee. And I think Jari Brooklyn have a thing but I don't know. We arrived at school and there weren't many people at school it was so weird there was know one anywhere.

It was 3 period there only me Jari Zoe Ashlee and Brooklyn in the class. And the teacher when to the bath room 20 minutes ago. All day there has been weird things happening and know one had a clue what was happening." Anyone know where the teacher is " said Jari and everyone just look at me and said Thomas go look for him. And I replayed with no. About 10 later we could hear people screaming and something that sounds like a drunk person eating something crunchy. Zoe and Ashlee look at me and said go look and see what that was. So I said Jari come. We walked out the door and locked the door behind us.

(Ashlee pov)

The boys when off to find out what that screaming was. Zoe and Brooklyn where at the back off the class talk about Thomas and Jari but if Jari does anything to that make my little sister Brooklyn upset I will kill him. It's been ten minutes and they aren't back so I step out side to see but nothing it was strange that they weren't back yet. I walk back to my desk and look out the widow and I could see brunch people walk in and the lock down alarm when off so I said to the girl I'm going to go look for them just stay in this room and don't unlock it unless it me or the boys ok and both replayed with ok. As I walking down the hall way the was blood all over the walls teacher with bites all over them. As I was stepping over one it woke up and tried to bite and I kick it in the head and ran and started to scream and all the other teacher woke as well and started to follow me.

(Thomas pov)

We couldn't find the teacher anywhere but we started to head back because we heard the lock down alarm we where about 5 minute away from the room and we could hear Ashlee scream so ran as fast as we could. As we came around the corner we found all the teacher in a group on the ground eat something so we started to walk back slowly and go the other way but Jari step on some glass and they all look at us with blood all over their mouth a few of the teacher didn't have arm or legs.

We got to the room and we forgot It was lock and those thing where behind us so we smacked against the door and scream to let us in. But as they open it I pushed Jari in and one of these thing pull me back and tried to bite so I kick it in the stomach and blood when all over me. Zoe and Jari pulled me in and pick me and Brooklyn close the door and lock it. Zoe turn me around said don't every leave me again and she kiss me and everything when quiet.

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