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An hour later, Kayla walked out of the house, tears streaked down her face. I immediately jumped out of the car to go to her, and she pulled my shirt closer to her, and wrapped her arms around my waist, crying into my shirt. I didn't know where to put my hand, and just caressed her hair.

"Yoongi...they...told m-me..."

"I know. I know."

We stood there for two minutes, and then her parents slowly walked to the door as to not make a sound. They smiled to me to say that she is okay, and I gave them a quick smile, and then put my poker face on again

"Hey Kayla, say goodbye to your parents, and I'll take you to the car." She nodded, and turned to her parents.

She gave her mother a hug, still crying.

"Sweetie, I'm so sorry we didn't tell you. I hope you understand why we didn't do it." She nodded and then went to her father, and gave him a hug too,

"Now, be a good okay? Be strong, and let Yoongi here protect you. Listen to what he says." And she nodded again. I walked her to the car, and opened the door for her, and she got in.

"Hey I'll just be a second, I forgot to ask something." You said, and went back to her parents, who were standing by the door looking at us.

"I would like her to move into the palace with me, if that is okay with you. I need to protect her from the other vampires if they find out about her. I want to keep her safe, and not to let happen what happened to Jin."

"That is okay with us, Yoongi. I hope we will hear about you again soon"

"Yes, of course you will see us again. Oh, and You can sell all of the stuff in her house, she won't be needing them anymore." I gave her mother a side hug, and she gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Be good to her Yoongi. You may be a king, but you are still a vampire. I know vampires quite well through my years of marrying one and knowing his friends."

I shook her fathers' hand, and went back to the car where everyone was waiting for me.

"Anyone wanna go for a milkshake? I think Kayla needs a milkshake."

"Yeah, I haven't had a milkshake in so long!" Namjoon said.

"Then we're going for a milkshake. Maybe get Kayla some new clothes as well."


We headed to the mall, and I was looking in the car mirror to get the tear marks off of my face when we arrived. Yoongi breathed in and looked at me. He gave a smile, and put his thumb under my eye to rub the last of the marks off. "Thanks" I said, and he answered with a "no problem". I got out of the car, and the four of us walked into the mall.

We found a place to drink milkshakes, and I got a strawberry milkshake, while Jin and namjoon got a vanilla milkshake each, and Yoongi got a coffee milkshake. Yoongi payed for all of the drinks, and we sat at a table. The three of them were chatting to each other while I was listening to their conversation and laughing some times. Yoongi looked at me, and asked, "So Kayla, what do you think of staying with us? I already asked your parents, and they said it's fine. We want to protect you, and the only way is to be under the same roof as you."

"why do you want to protect me? From what?"

"The other vampires. You see, Yoongi is ki-" Jin was busy saying, but Yoongi put his hand in front of Jins' mouth.

"From other vampires. They can be violent sometimes." Yoongi said. What was Jin trying to say? You thought, and Yoongi just shrugged, his adam's apple going up and then down again.


"Yeah okay, I'll move in with you."

"okay great" Yoongi said.

After the milkshake, you all went through some shops, and I got a lot of new clothes that Yoongi bought for me. I didn't want him to buy stuff for me, but then I remembered he kidnapped me in the beginning, so I quickly forgot about not wanting him to buy me stuff.

I was finished with the clothes shopping, but Yoongi said that we should go with him to another shop quickly. We stopped in front of the Victoria's secret shop, and Yoongi turned to me.

"I mean, I can come in with you, or I can give you the money so you can buy yourself stuff" He said.

"uhhm...just give me the money, it's okay, you don't have to come in with me." He gave me his card, and told me what his password was, not caring that Jin and Namjoon could hear. They probably already know what the password is.

I walked in, and looked at some of the content in the shop, and found a few underwear I want. I went to the cashier, and gave the card. I didn't even notice that it was one of those black cards that not a lot of people could get. Yoongi is loaded with money! What does he do for a living to get so much money?!

I took my bag, and walked out, giving Yoongi his card back.

"Thanks for today. Thank you for making me feel better with the milkshake, it really did make me feel better." Yoongi's face flushed, and he was trying to hide his smile, but failed.

"It's a pleasure"

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