Chapter 1 + intro

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Selena Natalia Brown aka McN Officially. Selena started her career on YouTube and has grown in subscribers and confidence ever since, now she is a highly decorated streamer on both YouTube (80 million subscribers) and Twitch (8 million subscribers), she started her own car company in early 2017 and has grown since her website suitably named started of just with clothing and cups, now the mulit-billion pound business is all-over the world. you can now buy t-shirts, hoodies, mugs, HP laptops, cars, trucks, planes and boats. Selena decided to try and make a personal navy, it wasn't a great success but she kept it anyway. now with a navy consisting of 3 battleships, a aircraft carrier and 8 destroyers, it keeps her occupied when her friends ask if they can go on a cruse or import something. Salena comes from a wide family, her mum and dad split up when she was around 4. now with a step-mum who she see's as more of an auntie than a mother a dad, a step-dad and a mum. she's never really had both of her parents in her life at one time. when her dad moved out she had her mum in her life until she was around 14 when she left to live with her grandparents and that's when her dad decided to take more involvement in her life.

A/N (honestly true story I used to live with my mum until I was 14 then decided to live with my Granny and Seanair (granddad in Gaelic) and that's when my dad decided to take more of a role in my life, that's when I lost contact with my mum, step dad, brother who is 4 years younger than me, my only sister who is 6 years younger than me and my youngest brother who was only 4 at the time. so if any else who has to deal with that type of thing, your not alone even though it feels like shit. P.S I would much rather my mum dead than disowning me. anyway back to Selena instead of Duncan because who gives a shit about him, right?). A/N finished

she has two brothers both younger than her and a sister who is also younger than her. Selena's favriot line when she hears about another family member is 'not another one'. her main friends are Samara Redway (, Andre (, Avery (, Tobi, Harry, Simon, JJ, Josh, Ethan and Vik ( aka KSI, TBJZL, W2S, MiniMinter, Zerkaa, Vikkstar123 and Bezinga), Lannan (, Talia ( Tannar (, Freya (, Ryan Reynolds, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, Gal Gadot, Ludacris, Karen Gillian, Elizabeth Olsen, Richard Hammond, Jason Statham, Jeremy Clarkson, James May, Scarlet Johansson, Fangs (

Selena "hey guys welcome back to an officially pointless stream by me, McN Officially."

Ilee (in chat) "watch loserfruit's charity live stream."

Selena "thank you for that super chat Ilee, I do know who this guy is. He is loserfruit's stream sniper, yeah sure lets endure this together everyone."

I clicked on Lufu's stream and decided to be generous. I dropped $400,000.

Lufu "eh guys, come look at this."

Fasffy and Cray looked over at the stream it went from 200k to 600k in one donation.

Cray "McN Officially we love you."

Lufu "I know who you are."

Selena "yeahy Lufu knows me."

Fasffy " McN Officially 'I thought I should officially drop in.' Omg thank you."

I dropped another donation 500k.

Fasffy "another? Really?"

Cray "McN Officially 'I'm currently streaming and will give all of my streams donations to you. P.S. I'm dying you actually know who I am.'"

Fasffy "I love your streams Natalia."

Lufu "some one tell me this is a joke."

I asked some of my friends to donate to the stream.

Lufu "$10k from The Rock. 'for the poor people efected by the fires in Australia' thank you so much."

Cray "$40k from Gal Gadot 'from Isreal with love and passion' wait the Actress?"

Fasffy "$60k from Ryan Reynolds 'which is the girl Natalia never shuts up about?' im confused did someone @ them?"

Lufu "$300K from Elizabeth Olsen 'Ryan it is the tall skiny one she talks about.' i think they are having there own conversation now."

Cray "$300K from Scarlet Jo 'i need to save my black widow family' im sorry but no way are they saving some spiders."

Fasffy "$600k from McN Officially 'how did this turn into something about me?'"

Marcus "whats up chat? how you doing? so what are you at now?"

Lufu "$2.4 millon, we have Celebrities donating."

Marcus "wait what celebrities?"

Cray "Gal Gadot, Scarlet Johansson, The Rock, Elizabeth Olsen and Ryan Reynolds."

Lufu "$40k from Ryan Reynolds 'Natalia tell me what it fells like to not be called a Celebrity after in viting us to this stream' I apologise about Cray missing you McN Officially."

Fasffy "$600k from McN Officially 'this is why Scralet left you Ryan, dont worry about it to much' Cray you should appologise."

Cray "sorry Natalia my head wasnt in the right place after that amount of money."

Lufu "this just shows the line money changes a man is true."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2020 ⏰

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