Chapter Thirty-one

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"I object!"

"Sir, please step out."

I hear the voice of a very familiar man along with the maids.
Running out to see who it was, I realize my assumption was right.


Jimin is quick to look up at me. Desperate eyes and all the maids stop pushing him out.

"y/n, I'm sorry." He says. "but you can't get married."

"What are—"

"Unless it's me." He's quick to move forward and pull me closer to him. Not taking a single second to kiss me on the lips.

My brother finally decides to see what all the drama was to find a very dramatic Jimin.

"Aye bro, cooties."

"Y/n? What is the meaning of this." My father's voice boosts behind me.
With fear, I slightly push Jimin away and ignore the look in his eyes.

He follows to where you look and notices a tall man, walking down the stairs.

"Dad I—"

"Mr. Jung." Jimin interrupts me. Bowing down and my father smiles upon seeing him.

"Did my daughter send you?" My father asks.
I shake my head but realize, I am not the daughter he was talking about.

"Yes sir." Jimin nods

"In-hye." My dad tsks as he shakes his head. "That girl can be quite dramatic. I'm guessing she told you to come in here causing a scene."

At hearing this Jimins cheeks go pink and he's quick to apologize but my dad dismisses it anyways.

"I guess I saw this coming." My father says. Walking down with his hands behind his back like a teacher.

"That explains a lot from yoongi's side. mmm" Confused is how I'm left to feel.
I didn't understand why my father was taking Jimin's presence and dramatic entrance like it was nothing.

"Dad?" I call.
He looks at me and waves down.

"I'll explain everything. Let's go to my office. Ilsung." My dad turns to my brother.

"Yes sir?"

"Tell yoongi to head to my office when he gets back. And that he was right. He's here." My dad says before walking away for us to follow him.
"And stop calling me sir, I'm your father."

"Yes si— dad."

In dad's office, Jimin was looking around with cute eyes.
Lost and interested in everything.

"Ah Jimin. Park Jimin, correct?" My dad says, serving him some whiskey. The smell is enough to send me on edge and I stare at Jimin who's completely lost in looking at dad's organized files.

"Yes sir."

"Here have some." My dad offers. Jimin turns around to see what my dad was offering and he bows his head before dismissing the drink.

"Uh, I rather not." Jimin says, giving me a look. "Sorry."

My dad nods with a smile and gulps the drink down.
"Would you like anything to drink then?"

"Nope, I'm good. You, y/n?" Jimin asks turning to me. I only shake my head and my dad doesn't waste time in this explanation needed.

"Alright so, what I can say is that.. Yoongi was the main person to come talk to me about the two of you. He said he was completely sure that Jimin was going to arrive here." My dad says, taking a seat.
"I questioned him more about it, obviously and got my answers."

"You see y/n. I had trust that the man you liked was going to like you back. I actually thought you two were a thing." My dad unknowingly spills something Jimin didn't know.
I bite my bottom lip and look away. I can feel the heat in my cheeks beginning to get hotter by the second.

I had never admitted it to Jimin myself only to the others.
Jimin looks at me with wide eyes.

"So I— oh." My dad barely catches on. "You didn't even know my daughter liked you."

He laughs seeing the two of us awkwardly sitting there in front of him.

"I—" I start off.

"I feel the same way." Jimin says softly. Holding my hand and giving it a comforting squeeze.
"Im guessing yoongi hyung knew that too."

My dad nods, looking at us uncomfortably. "Either I'm old and tired of seeing this or I could never handle seeing two people be all cute together."

Jimin laughs at my dad's words and I could've sworn my mother would've busted through the door but she was too busy with preparations.

Preparations. There was still a lot to talk about.

"Yoongi knew you would come. He didn't know when but he knew before the wedding day. And here you are. However, since we had announced all this wedding news and the two who were going to be married, I didn't know how to cover it up. And having y/n secretly date you away from the media would only bring bad news. That's why yoongi came up with a plan. But he needed reinforcements." My dad smiles.

At the same time, theres a knock on the door followed by people coming in.

"As you have already met, Jimin this is my first daughter, Jung In-Hye." My dad introduces.
Jimin stands up to how to her and my sister winks at him before taking a seat to me.

The rest follow behind her. Being Namjoon, his father, Jungkook, Yoongi himself and an unexpected person. Seo-yeon.

"Each had their own task. Jungkook and Seo-yeon noticed Jimin didn't even know of your absence so they made sure to let him know." My dad explains.

Jimin looks at them with a glare and the two smile widely.

"Yoongi came up with everything and the backup plan for those articles. Speaking of which.. now it's time for you two, to do your part." My dad says.
He turns to look at Namjoon and he nods.

"Right. My father and I are in charge of releasing articles and pictures into the media. After having a hard discussion." Namjoon stops to look over to his dad.
His dad sighs and lowers his head a bit.

"As an apology for releasing unapproved articles into the media. I decided to help. I'd need the three of you to get together so I can release an article upon what's going to actually happen. Namjoon here will be in charge of pictures and words and I will authorize to publish them everywhere."

I smile seeing how apologetic he looked. Remembering how that released article of yoongi and I expecting a baby really took a toll on us.
How namjoon was consistently apologizing for his father's decision.

"This is all cute and whatever but what's the actual plan?" My sister says.
I nod agreeing with her. It's then yoongi speaks up.

"That's for Jimin and Mr. Jung to talk about."

Jimin looks back up to my dad. Whom was sitting in his chair and looking through papers.

"Park Jimin, previous owner of Park's Co. to which they had their downfall to the company." My dad says, picking a blue folder and walking back to us.

Jimin looks down at his hand, remembering all of that.

"How would you like to be the owner of Jung's Co."

E/C: at this point, don't believe my words anymore, every time I wanna update there's always something

Either I have writers block or I'm busy, I'm sorry (´;︵;')

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