Chapter 3

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The day was Nov.23,2017.I am so excited.I have surprises.I went to the jewerly store and bought a necklace..I got tickets for two in the Park we went to and everythings already prepared.

There's only one thing missing.YOU.

I opened my facebook acc. and Looked for your name.There!

T:Hello :)
J:How are you?
T:Just ok..Excited :)
J:Yeah.It's already your birthday on the next two days :)
J:Hey.Can I ask you something?
T:Sure :) Anything ;)
J:Would you like to come out with me on your birthday?
T:(Omg.)Yes!Sure!Why not?!
J:What time are you allowed?
T:Anytime Basthy,anytime :)
J:Then....7:00 pm?
T:Sure ^_^
J:It is settled then.Thanks!

Yes.Im going out w/ her!!!

Gotta go look for clothes..Maybe this'll do?

It was already November 25,2017..7:20 Pm.Here I am,waiting for my beautiful girl.
There She goes.

T:Am I late??
J:Nope.Just in time :)
J:So,shall we?

We rode different rides.The bumper cars,The carousel,The water log jungle thingy and other rides.There is just one left.The Pampanga Eye (ferris wheel).

I knew you were nervous.My hands are holding your hands.They were trembling.I asked you if you wanted to ride it.You said its ok..

We entered the ferris wheel.You sat on the other side and Me on this side.The ride started.By the look on your face,you were so nervous..The ride started..

In the middle of the ride,We are in the top..We were amazed until *Clank*A sound.From under.Then the ride suddenly stopped.You were so scared.I went over your side and I hugged you and said "Everythings gonna be Okay.." You leaned on my shoulder.Then I realized its time.To do it.While we are alone.Nobody can see us here.Nobody can interrupt us.

So There I go..I knelt in front of you,Pulled down this box with a necklace and asked,Will you be my girlfriend?I looked like a fool..
But then you looked at my eyes..And said "Yes,I will be your girlfriend" With teary eyes.
I cried and hugged you..Then I went over your back and put the necklace I gave you.We sat on the same side and held hands and waited for the ride to finish.Finest hour,I guess.

Then the ride is already over and we went out the ferris wheel..While we are walking our classmates are holding a "Will you be my girlfriend?" Sign and one of my bandmates,Marlon gave you the flowers.Then you looked at me and I gave a facesign "What can I do?This was supposed to be a surprise.."Then our whole class screamed happiness all over SkyRanch and grouphugged us two..

It was the
When we are going home I drove my car and dropped you at home.You gave me a little peck on the cheeks and I did it,too.We exchanged goodbyes and I started to drive off.Best day ever.

(A/N:Thanks for reading Always and Are you in Love with me?Please continue to do so and Wait for updates..especially Ayilwm?Thanks again!!!!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2014 ⏰

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