Chapter 1:The Dreamy Laughter

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"Y'all ready for summer vacation?" My best friend L asks. "Yea L I have been waiting for this trip all year long." I happily replied. L, KJ, Kit, Mack, Chris and I were going to a beach over the summer. Our first summer break without our parents. I mean we all were 18 years old and old enough to do stuff on our own without ou parents. And we thought we might as well go the beach. "Yea just two more days, I hope that we can leave as soon as we can." Kit said wanting to leave as soon as possible. We all agreed and then we heard the school bell ring for our last class for today. The last class felt like it was going on forever and went as slow as possible. the group and I met in front of the school to talk about the trip details. "Ok guys go home and pack so everything is ready. School ends at 2:30 and since I will be driving I will picking people up around 3:30." I said making sure everyone was ready for the trip. They all nodded and went home and started packing. My best friend L facetime me while I was packing.  "Heyyy girl, you ready for this trip?" "Heck yeah, I am I yelled. "Same girl." She yells. We kept chatting while we were getting ready for the trip. An hour goes by and we were almost done with the packing. "Ok girl I need to go and get some food and sleep for school tomorrow. And also before I forget, call up Kj and see about the food." L said. "I will L by girl see you tomorrow," I said while hanging up and then I call Kj. "Hey, so what's the situation on the food?" "Don't worry girl I'm at the store now." "Ok just making sure because L told me to make sure, you know her she can't go without food more than five minutes." I chuckled. "Yea but don't worry I got this handled."  "Thanks, girl I will see you tomorrow,"  I call up Mack to make sure he has some of the extra beach stuff. "Hey, Mack so do you have the extra stuff for the trip?" "Yea I have it all." he reads me the checklist and everything is there. "Ok see you tomorrow then," I said hanging up. I get everything ready for the next day and put my luggage next to my door. I lay in bed my bed all excited and not ready to go to sleep yet. It took some time but I finally fell asleep. The next rolls in and I get up to get ready for the last day of school. I was very excited about the trip that will be happening in a few hours. I head to school and when I get there I see the excited face of my friends. "Hey guys, you ready to start the very last day of High School and the first day of our beach trip?" I yell. They all start yelling and laughing. We head into the school, dying that we had to go through the school day before the greatest trip of our lives. The school day went by dangerously slow and I was ready to get out of there. The last school bell rings and I jump up out of my seat, running to the front entrance. I see my friends waiting for me. "You guys ready?" Mack says. We all nodded and all ran home. I got my car ready for all the luggage and passengers that will be riding later. I call everyone up to see if they were ready to get picked up. First I go and get the girls L and Kj. They load their things up and then jump in. I call up the boys and asked if they were ready because I was heading their way. I get to Kit's house because they were all there waiting for me. "You boys ready?" I smile. They nod and load up their luggage and hop in. And that was the start of our trip. "What's the first thing we should do when we get there?" L asks. "First we are going to the hotel and get our rooms ready," I stated. "And since I know y'all are going to party and buy things I only got two rooms, so y'all know the drill boys with boys and girls with girls," I explain. The boys groaned in response while the girls were all happy. "We will be there in about three hours  get comfortable." They all groaned and complained but shortly stopped because they knew that would be useless to complain. About an hour goes by and we are all singing and being loud. Shortly, we stopped for gas and a bathroom break. "Ok guys, this is probably the only stop I'm going to make for a while. So go crazy," I stated while putting gas into my car. After a few seconds, I notice this tall, creepy guy staring at me. I tried to pretend that he was not there but he had to make sure his presence was known. "Excuse me, sir do you need something?" I asked in a polite voice. he just stood there, staring and laughing in a weird way. And not in a creepy but in this dreamy state, it was kind of peaceful. I started to feel a weird way like I was stuck in this dreamy state. I shake it off and pull Mack and Kit out of the car and tell them what was going on. They started to get really protective. These boys weren't you average horror movie douche-bags. They were really respectful and nice but they could get really protective. They walk over to the man but he didn't take his eye off me. "Excuse me sir but your making our friend uncomfortable." Kit says. The man didn't flinch just stayed there and kept laughing. Then everyone was ready to leave and got into the car. I waved goodbye the so he wouldn't think I was rude. We started back up on the road. "Who was that man you waved at?" L asked. "He was just some guy that was staring at me." "Well, why did you wave at him?" "Well, I didn't want to seem rude." I said while trying to pay attention to the road. "And why was he laughing like that?" Kit asked. "I don't know." I stated.  

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