Chapter 10

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Yours and Levi's relationship was a secret. Only Mikasa knew, and of course she threatened to kill him if he broke your heart. Typical old Mikasa. You two had romantic nights from cuddling to hot steamy sex or make out sessions.

Erwin and Hange found out soon enough. Then the whole regiment, because of Hanji yelling "shorty's got a girlfriend" real loud. Way to go Hanji.

Every time you passed the hallways, other cadets would go, "Way to go (Name)!" Or "Get that booty!" Or, "Good luck with Heichou." People sure loved to tease you. And of course there was a couple people who were disgusted that you were dating your sister's ex. But haters could go jump off a cliff.

Its been a year since your sister passed away. You and Levi both visit her grave everyday and take blessings.

Slowly you were promoted to a squad leader. You outranked all the others and that's how it really happened. No questions asked, everyone knew you were smart.

You and Levi were much closer now. The two of you practically stuck together. Levi's squad had died, along with Karmi, so Levi had a new squad. It consisted of Armin, Mikasa, Eren, Jean, Sasha, Connie, Ymir and Christa. Annie joined the military police, Marco was dead (T_T), and do not ask what happened to Reiner and Bertholt! I'm not spoiling!

Soon enough, you and Levi were soon to be married. You turned twenty two. You were much older than the others. Levi was only thirty four. You were hoping for a  good life with him. Everyone prepared for the wedding.

"(Name), you look stunning in that wedding dress."   Mikasa says

"Thanks Mika."

You hugged her tightly and cried. She was like a sister to you. You hugged the rest of your friends. Eren took you down the aisle, since he was practically like your brother.

Levi was there, in a tuxedo, smiling at you. Erwin was his best man and Hange, along with a couple of your close friends were your brides maid. Levi  held your hand tight in his. The priest exchanged words and the two of you took vows.

"(Name), one day when the titans are gone for good, I want to take you so far away that no one will be able to find us. I loved you from the start and I will always love you forever."

His speech was beautiful, leaving you speechless.

"Levi, everyone thinks of you as mean, cold, a jerk and a obsessive clean freak." Everyone gulped in the back as Levi glared at them.

"But in reality, you're a caring person . We've been through a lot and I'm glad I'm with you. I want to be yours forever."

You smiled and the priest continued. "You may now kiss the bride."

Levi kissed you gently and everyone cheered and clapped in the background. He carried you bridal style out of the church and you threw your flower bouquet and it landed in Mikasa's hand. She blushed and looked at Eren.

That night, Levi showed his love for you and the both of you officially made love as a married couple. After getting married to Levi, everyone respected you. No one ever dared to look down at you, cause they knew what Levi was like.

The both of you fight Titans and run things in the survey corps. The both you also visit Karmi's grave once a week. You set flowers down on the cement and look at the grave. Levi smiled a bit and holds your shoulders.

"Onee-chan, I'm married now. Are you watching me? I'm all grown up. Thank you, thank you for sacrificing yourself for me. I may sound selfish but this was all possible because of you. I really hope you are happy up there. I love you so much." Tears fill your eyes and you hug Levi.

Levi sighed and looked at her grave as well. "You brat, you better be doing up there. Everyone is fine, Erwin is doing surprisingly well. Just keep watching over us and thank you for everything you've done."


How many years has it been? Ten? Twenty? I lost count. But anyways, this is (Name) and my life is perfect. I have an amazing husband and two beautiful kids. The titans were gone for now and we were able to go beyond the walls, to the beach. It was a beautiful sight.

My kids play in the water with Levi and the other cadet's play as well. Erwin is no longer with us, he probably with Karmi right now. We are all happy, looking at the ocean in front of us. Onee-chan, do you see us? How happy we are? I really wish you were here right now.

I look at Levi. He had a huge smile on his face as he lifted our son in the air. I walk towards them and play with them as well. Levi hugs me and we all forget everything around us. We were satisfied with life and we wouldn't do anything to give this up. We were lacking our loved ones, but it was going to be okay.

After all, it started with a misleading affair.


Finally done editing this piece of crap, thank god. Sort of based that ending off the ending of attack on Titan, like the manga ended, I am so upset. Literally crying. Thanks for reading this crappy fic and getting it so popular. Ciao ❤

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