Broken Pieces

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Everything was going good or so I thought. I should have known better than to wish that something would go my way. Life just doesn't work that way  apparently. It's a sad truth I need to accept. Your probably think just be quiet your life is good now so stop overthinking. I'm sure that's what your thinking. It's not something to over look. Ever since Royale started school she was being tracked just so my ex boss and his gang could find us. It's not just a call the cops when he has a gun to your head. "I thought you couldn't have kids. You thought I was gone!? Good try you little bitch." He sneered in my face. Royale was tied up watching and Andy was off doing something. I was hoping the neighbors heard my screams. The minute Andy got home he shot me in the head before running off. He had already harmed me in several places and I was in excruciating pain but at least he didn't touch Royale. Andy ran in and up the stairs before calling 911 and untying me and Royale. I felt the blood pooling out of me. I started to see everything flash before me and it made me very upset. Andy brought Royale out of the room knowing there was a large chance I could die. He wanted her to be okay, and I trusted him in that. He called someone before returning to me. I felt myself slipping but I was holding on. "The ambulance is about 7 minuets away. Please hang on, please." He pleaded hoping I could. I felt myself fall off the chair completely limp. I knew I was dying. I just knew it. He laid me out in a better position. "If you can hear me blink twice." He said somehow somewhat calmly. I did as he asked and actually succeeded. He started talking to me but it was all starting to sound like I was underwater. At some point I lost him and fell asleep. The next time I woke up was a few weeks later. I was in the hospital, and in the ICU still. Andy was by my side but on his phone. I don't blame him but I slightly reached out for him and groaned. His head snapped up before his whole being was flushed over with relief. "Oh thank god, the doctors kept telling me you would never wake up again." He said massaging my hand. We talked for about 20 minuets and then I talked to the cops and gave a statement. That was my least favorite part, and it was because I knew Andy and Royale were in danger from me. Andy has already moved houses and started homeschooling Royale. He knew Roy having a normal life was impossible at this point. When I was allowed to go home I already knew life was going to be different. I could not have more kids which me and Andy were trying for. To make matters worse this asshoe caused a miscarriage and traumatized Roy. It was bad to the point she would hide for days on end. I knew that I caused this which sent me into a deep depression. Andy was all over the place to the point he was on the verge of breaking. I just got way worse when he got bad. I sent myself into a nervous breakdown. I ended up in the hospital which resulted in Royale being admitted for health concerns. Andy also was admitted for suicidal idiation. We all went through intensive family and individual therapy. I was given meds and so were Andy and Roy. When we got back to the new house, we dedicated the day to family time. After everything we have been through from physical to mental trauma this family is incredibly strong. Especially Roy, she watched her mom get shot in the head and be tortured. She watched me almost die and is still hanging on. Me and Andy had an incredible angel. I know that my boss is just one rotten person now. When me and Andy met, at that time I thought every person was rotten. It took us months of healing as a family. I knew Andy loved me and nothing would change that or take that love away. The moral of my story is that it always gets better no matter what. You just need to wait out the bad like a rainy day. Or if you like rain embrace it. Embrace who you are.


We Don't Have To Dance//Andy Black x Reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now