Christmas Day!

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I woke up with Lexi under my arm. I guess Gigi hadn't woken up yet considering I haven't heard her cry.
I got out of bed and brush my hair and got lexi's brush and brushed her head.
Then I opened my door and went quietly to Gigi's room when I walked in there she was standing up waiting for me to pick her up.

"Morning Gigi, merry christmas. how about we go wake up mommy and daddy."

I carried Gigi down the hall to moms room and I looked down to see Lexi right behind me. I walked over to moms side and kneeled down and let Gigi give her a slobbery kiss on the cheek.
"Ew that's a wet kiss Gigi."
"Morning momma."
"Hey merry christmas."
She grab gigi so I could lay down beside her. She layed Gigi between her and dad and wrapped her arms around me.
We looked at her as she put her hands on dad's shoulder and leaned down and gave him a sloppy kiss on the cheek.
Mom and I just laughed and acted like we were asleep as he turned around to face Gigi.
"Hey Gigi how did you get up here?"
"Can we open presents now?"
"Ok presents then eat."
I run into the living room and head straight for the walks in and hands me my stocking.

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