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"Y/n wake up!" The redhead jumps onto the y/h/c girl. "What the fuck do you want indie." Y/n groans pulling the covers over her head.

"Fine I guess we won't meet the cast today what a shame." Sky says as she walks into the room from the bathroom. "I'm up I'm up." Y/n says sitting straight up. "Don't mess with her man." River starts singing causing the four to laugh.

"So my aunt is going to drive us to the restaurant we're meeting them at but we have to get a Uber back." Skyler explains. "Y/n go get dressed we leave in ten." River rushes the girl. "Okay I'm going." Y/n grabs her outfit (shown above).

"Does anyone know where my brush is?" Y/n asks going through her suitcase. "You had it last night it's over there." One of the girls points out. "Thanks. And sky can you do my hair?" Y/n asks since she can't do her own hair to save her life. That's why it's only ever in a bun, ponytail or just down. "Sure."

"Girls let's go!" Skylers aunt shouts from downstairs. "Thank you sky." Y/n says as sky finished wrapping the hair tie.

"River you have the address right?" Sarah asked. "Yes ma'am. You can use my phone for gps if you need." She hands her phone to Sarah. "I'm so nervous." Y/n tells them. "It's going to be okay." Indie tells her. "It's only a five minute drive from here." Sarah says.

As the five long minutes in the car pass
y/n twiddles her thumb. Not only is she nervous to meet joshua she's nervous to meet the whole cast. She looks up to all of them in so many ways. Josh was just a big bonus.

"Oh my gosh we're here." Y/n whispers to herself. River texts olivia that they are there. "Olivia said they should be here in five minutes. We should probably wait out here for them." River says. The four girls sit down on the benches outside the restaurant waiting for about four minutes. Then a car pulls up and out steps Olivia rodrigo. "It's her oh my god." Olivia walks up to the four girls before any other card pulled up. Meaning the other cast members were in different cars.

"Hi!" Olivia Greets the group. "Hey Olivia." River hugs her. "It's so cool to finally meet you!" She says hugging y/n. "The rest of the cast should be here in a few." She says checking her phone. "So I heard you have a mega crush on josh." She wiggles her eyebrows.

"Maybe a little one." Y/n blushes. "Oh that's the rest of the crew now." She says answering a FaceTime call. "Hey guys." She smiles. "She seems so full of positivity." Sky says.

*y/n pov*

Soon a bigger car pulls up and Olivia walks over to it waving us to follow her. My stomach kinda has those cute annoying butterflies in them. I ignore them and follow my friends and Olivia.

First Julia (queen) stepped out and waved at us. Then Sofia (another queen oh my god) followed by Frankie, (mom🥺🥺) Dara, (a legend 🥺) matt (another legend) Larry (Tap dancing legend) and then joshua (the one I learned to obsess over the most).

I stood there not knowing what to do. My heart was pumping and my cheeks were probably red. Thank god for Olivia talking first. "Okay gang this is indie, river, sky and y/n." Olivia said pointing at each of us.

"And girls this is Matt, Larry, Dara, Sofia, Julia, Frankie and Joshua." We all smile and wave at each other. "Should we go in and get a table?" Joshua says looking at the big group of people. Everyone agrees because food. Thank god the restaurant wasn't very busy they easily got a table. Well actually a few tables pushed together. As everyone started sitting down I was writing to see what chair was left. And of course it was right across from joshua.

I quickly take my seat and avoid eye contact with him. I'm realizing now how much I hate meeting new people. "Y/n stop being so antisocial." River whispers to me. "Sorry I'm nervous." I mumble.

"So josh y/n here is a pretty big fan of the show but mostly you." Olivia tells him making me blush. "Oh well nice to meet you." He looks at me and smiles. "You too." I smile back. Everyone else seemed to fall into a conversation of their own leaving me to sit there in silence waiting for the waitress to bring the drinks.

The waitress comes and gives us our drinks and takes our orders. Then I get left out again. "So tell me about yourself y/n." Joshua says after a few minutes. "Uh well there's nothing really special about me." I tell him honestly.

"That's not true at all." Indie says. "Yeah she's a amazing singer." Sky adds in. "And baker her desserts are like the absolute best." River says. "Thanks guys." I mumble.

"That sounds interesting. Do you write your own music or what?" He asks leaning forward. "yeah sometimes i do. mostly at night when i'm alone with my feelings." i explained. "sometimes that's the best time to write because you know everything going on in your head." he tells me.

"yeah and the best songs that i've written in my opinion are the ones that hurt me the most to think about." he nods knowingly. "so what else about you y/n?" olivia asks joining our conversation.

"well my favorite color is y/f/c. i read as much as possible because why not. and i'm really into horror movies and doing special effects makeup. and i love photography." i sum up all of my hobbies and stuff. "see you're not uninteresting at all." olivia tells me and josh quickly agrees. "thanks." we fall into a conversation about ourselves to get to know each other and eat our food once it comes out.

everyone pays what they owe and we all walk back out to the parking lot. everyone starts getting in the van except me, josh, indie, sky, olivia and river. "it was great meeting you y/n. i hope we can hang out again." josh says smiling at me. "that would uh be really fun." i blush he waves and goes to the van.

"okay let me get your numbers." olivia said excitedly. maybe we can have like a sleep over or something." everyone gives her their numbers. "see ya girls."


a/n y'all i am so sorry this chapter was boring but i hope it will get better i honestly dk where i'm going with this book right now but i'm still going to update it :)

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