Class Joyies Class... Well kinda

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Walking down the campus of Pine Wood University, Valentina and I enjoy looking all the new things collage can bring to the mind and the soul.
Walking into the criminal 100 class, I sit next to Valentina. "So did you tell him yet?" Connor says behind me as I turn around and he gives me a sly look "Connor stop, I didn't tell him!" I push him away from me as a rush of that same pain staking gilt that only hit me once after the fact Connor brought it up once more. If you must know.. Well I... I slept with Connor, yeah now you think I'm a whore don't you. "Well I would get to talking before I get to walking and saying." Connor kisses the back of my neck, it sends shivers down my spin. Diego sits down next to me as I pull it together, than Romero sits behind me next to Connor. Connor acts like nothing has gone on scenes we did what we did. "Good morning, my name is Professor Nina Davis and this is criminal law 100." She seems like a wiry women who knows her stuff and doesn't take shit from anyone. "Now I know that I just met all of you, but think of this.. Have you ever had a lie so bad you just can't tell not even the person it may effect in the end." As I sit in dead silane and Connor chuckled behind me, and I turned around and hit his arm. "Katerina is everything okay?" Romeo asked kissing my hand as I'm still turned looking at Connor and his sky ass smirk. Class passed slowly like church does on a Sunday morning long and painfully. After class let out I ran like a damn five-year old. I run around the Connor and bash into Diego, "wow. Someone wanted out of class!" Diego laughs, "I don't want to talk about it, damn Diego!" I ran to a safe spot away from all of them, what I did was wrong just wrong. I slept with my boyfriends best friend! god Connor won't let me live it down, probably until I tell Romeo or he tells him for me. Walking back to the school Connor grabs my waist and kisses me. I feel his hand all over me, my memories fall back to me from that one night, oh that stupid stupid night!

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